We’re here to help you every step of the way. Schedule appointments with services around campus to get individualized support and help with your academic journey.
You can use EAB Navigate to schedule an appointment with Academic Advising, Counseling, and more!
Schedule an appointment or view drop-in times
How to make an appointment directions are below.
Prefer your phone?
You can download the Navigate app on your phone for convenient access wherever you are.
How to make an appointment
Scheduling an appointment is simple!
- Sign in to the platform using your L Number and myLane password
- Select Appointments then "Schedule an Appointment".
- Select a Care Unit (type of service).
- For advising, you'll need to indicate a service. Select a "career community" that most closely matches your program or interests (for those undeclared).
- Choose a date and select "Find an Available Time".
Stuck? Reach out to the Student Help Desk (SheD)
Step-By-Step guide to finding Drop In Advising in Navigate
To find Advising drop-in availability by:
- Sign in to the platform using your L Number and myLane password
- Select Appointments then "Schedule an Appointment".
- Click on View Drop-in Times
- Select service:
- Click on Find Available Time
- Select staff
- Under location select: Virtual
- Check both of our drop-in availability to see which best fits your schedule.
Your Career Community might not have Drop-in Zoom hours just yet, in which case you can email them or Schedule a Zoom Appointment via the process listed above.