The President's Circle represents the most engaged donor society at Lane Community College, providing the resources that are used to carry out the mission of the college and support Lane students as they strive to achieve their educational goals.
The President's Circle
The President's Circle is composed of individuals, foundations, and businesses that make an annual investment of $1,000 or more, in the LCC Foundation. Their generosity is publicly recognized by the LCC President and the LCC Foundation at our annual President's Circle Reception.
2024 President's Circle Committee Members
- Diana Learner
- Bruce Riddle
- Susan Soonkeum Cox
- Sandy Watkinson
- Steve Wildish
- Alan Yordy
"Those That Inspire" Awards
The LCC Foundation recently renamed its recognition of President's Circle donors to the "Those That Inspire" awards. The awards recognize inspiring donors who make a minimum annual investment of $1,000 in support of the College's mission to support students. Their generosity is publicly recognized by the LCC President and the Foundation at our annual President's Circle reception.
- Mike & Cathy Stickel - "Those That Inspire" Individual Awardee
- Slocum Center for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine - "Those That Inspire" Corporate & Foundation Awardee
- Beth Landy - "Those That Inspire" Special Recognition
Click to see photos of the 2024 President's Circle Reception
- Kathie Tippens Wiper – “Those That Inspire" Individual Awardee
- US Bank – “Those That Inspire" Corporate Awardee
- US Bank Foundation – “Those That Inspire" Foundation Awardee
- Chef Clive Wanstall – Award of Special Recognition
Click to see photos of the 2023 President's Circle Reception
- Marna Shulz – “Those That Inspire" Individual Awardee
- Juan Young Trust – “Those That Inspire" Corporate and Foundation Awardee
Click to see photos of the 2022 President's Circle Reception
- Starly Hodges – "Those That Inspire" Individual Awardee
- Oregon Community Credit Union – "Those That Inspire" Corporate Awardee
- Oregon Community Foundation – "Those That Inspire" Foundation Awardee
No live event was held due to the pandemic. We celebrated our donors with a Day of Appreciation and delivered gift baskets.
No live event was held due to the pandemic. We celebrated our donors with a Day of Appreciation and delivered gift baskets.
- Roger and Robin Best – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Individual Awardee
- Murphy Company – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Business Awardee
- Meyer Memorial Trust – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Foundation Awardee
Click to see photos of the 2019 President's Circle Reception
- Paul Loepp – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Individual Awardee
- Johnson Crushers International – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Business Awardee
- Ford Family Foundation – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Foundation Awardee
Click to see photos of the 2018 President's Circle Reception
- Julie Aspinwall-Lamberts and James Ellison – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Individual Awardee
- Peacehealth Oregon Region – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Business Awardee
- The Tykeson Family Charitable Trust – President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Foundation Awardee
Click to see photos of the 2017 President's Circle Reception
- Niles and Mary Ann Hanson - President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Individual Awardee
- Bi-Mart Corporation - President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Business Awardee
- The Haugland Family Foundation - President's Circle Award for Philanthropy Foundation Awardee
Click to see photos of the 2016 President's Circle Reception

The President's Circle Reception
The annual President's Circle Reception is held each spring at the Eugene Country Club. Joined by the LCC President, attendees gather at the reception for the opportunity to connect with each other and LCC Foundation Scholarship Recipients over conversation, hors d’oeuvres, and drinks. A short program follows with remarks from LCC’s President and the LCC Foundation Board President, a message from an LCC Scholarship Recipient, and recognition of that year's 'Those That Inspire' awardees.
Personal invitations are mailed each February-March to community leaders who have supported the Lane Community College Foundation with annual gifts of $1,000 or more.