Our academic departments and divisions are the home of our academic offerings. Use the links below to learn more about how to get in touch with our departments, faculty, and programs.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Check out our A-Z index!

Academic Support and Innovation
Find support to help you at every step, including tutoring, counseling, library research help, technology support, accommodations, a growing list of low to no-cost textbook options, and more!

Business, Technology, and Trades
DIscover more about Lane’s business, culinary and hospitality, advanced technology, computer science, and apprenticeship programs.

College & Career Foundations
Pursue your GED, take English as a Second Language classes, prepare for college level classes, and more!

Health Professions, Health, and Physical Education
Explore fields such as nursing, physical therapy assistant, health information management, emergency medical technician, and more.

Broaden your horizons with Lane’s literature and writing classes, language studies, and communications programs.

Science, Math, & Engineering
Dissect the world around you through math, engineering, and science classes.

Social Science
Examine courses and programs about people, their social and cultural heritage, and their behavior.

Workforce Development
Get short-term, workforce-based training through the Career Pathways, Cooperative Education, High School Connections, Extended Learning, Specialized Support Services, and more!