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What You Can Expect of the Student:
- Students will meet with their clinical teaching associate (CTA) near the end of Winter term (second or third week in March) for introductions and to set their schedule based on your work schedule. Students are assigned a writing assignment to describe their learning needs and goals, which is to be shared with their CTA.
- Once Spring Term begins the student will need to become oriented to the agency and unit depending upon past clinical experiences. Orientation activities will be the focus of the first few integrative practicum shifts.
- The student is expected to earn your confidence and gain independence as the first weeks progress by precisely following your instruction as to when their interventions can be independent and when you want to observe. Basic care should become independent early; more complex interventions will require more/longer observation.
- The student is responsible for establishing their own goals, showing progression to meet learning needs, and the course objectives. CTAs and faculty will monitor these and advise the student as needed.
- The student will come to this quarter with instruction in all major med-surg nursing treatments, but limited practice. It is not the CTA's responsibility to teach basic concepts, only to re-enforce this prior learning.
- The student is responsible to "fill" learning gaps, the CTA is not.
- The student will complete self-evaluations at the end of each block of shifts, and is to share these with the CTA at the start of the next group of days. Additionally, the student will complete a midterm and final self-evaluation.
What is Expected of You as The Clinical Teaching Associate:
- Read and understand the LCC Clinical Teaching Associate Information.
- Facilitate the student's orientation to the unit. Direct student to learning resources.
- Provide guidance over the progression of activities and goals the student identifies.
- Directly supervise selected nursing skills until predictable outcomes can be anticipated. You will find it difficult to evaluate that which you do not observe, at least occasionally.
- Guide the student through more complex nursing situations or decisions by role modeling and /or telling the student your decision-making process. "Thinking aloud" is the #1 teaching tool you can use.
- Ask the student questions about what they are doing and why (#2 teaching tool).
- Be able to "let go" of a growing number of responsibilities and tasks, and let the student take them on.
- Consult with faculty regarding student's clinical progress. Notify instructor of errors or incidents of concern.
- At the end of the student’s Integrative Practicum, you will provide written and verbal feedback to your assigned faculty liaison regarding the student’s performance. A feedback form will be provided.
What is Not Expected of You as The Clinical Teaching Associate:
- You are not expected to "know all, be all". It is of great importance for the student to observe that there is always information that needs to be looked up. Your greatest help to the student is asking questions, not answering them.
- It is not expected that working with the student becomes your primary focus. Ensuring and providing quality patient care will always remain your primary focus. In more critical times, the student may have to become an observer as you intercede to ensure patient safety.
What You Can Expect of Faculty:
- In comparison with Co-op Ed experiences, faculty supervision during integrative practicum is much closer. Please see the Difference between Integrative Practicum and Coop Ed in the FAQ section of this website.
- One instructor will be assigned to you and your student. She will visit the clinical area to meet with you daily for awhile to assist you in the beginning and to help advise on student progression. Once all parties are more comfortable with the relationship, the faculty will customize the visit schedule to meet yours and the student's needs.
- This faculty member is always on call by cell phone, every shift the student is with you.
- Faculty visits usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes, non-peak activity times are attempted. Discussion includes student progression, any areas of concern, suggestions for student activities, etc. The purpose of the faculty visit is to assist the CTA. Nursing faculty can be helpful in assisting you in developing strategies to enhance student learning.
- Faculty complete the final evaluation paperwork at the end of the quarter, and award a final grade (clinical is Pass/NoPass) with your input.