Hand reaching towards networking switches

IT Infrastructure

Through the 2020 Bond Project, Lane Community College is significantly advancing its IT infrastructure to meet the modern demands of education and campus operations. Central to this effort is the ongoing replacement and enhancement of the communications network. These improvements aim to deliver faster, more reliable internet and intranet services, ensuring that both students and faculty can access the resources they need without interruption. This robust network upgrade supports the increased use of digital tools and online platforms, which have become essential for contemporary teaching and learning.

In tandem with infrastructure upgrades, the college is placing a strong emphasis on cybersecurity. The ongoing computer replacement program is a critical element of this strategy, ensuring that all hardware is equipped with the latest security features to protect against cyber threats. By regularly updating and replacing computers, the college maintains a secure digital environment, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of its IT systems. This proactive approach to cybersecurity is crucial in an era where cyber threats are constantly evolving.

Moreover, the 2020 Bond Project is facilitating a comprehensive modernization of classrooms through ongoing audio-visual (AV) improvements. This initiative is transforming traditional learning spaces into interactive, technology-enhanced environments. By integrating advanced AV equipment, the college is enhancing the delivery of educational content, making lectures and presentations more engaging and accessible. These upgrades not only improve the overall learning experience but also ensure that Lane Community College remains at the forefront of educational innovation, preparing students for success in a technology-driven world.