Thank you for your invaluable work serving children and families. We are here to support you with training, cohorts, networks, consultation, and more.

Training and Professional Development Opportunities
Register for classes and find resources for advancing your professional development.

Special Programs
Enhance your program with unique training and professional development opportunities.
General Resources
Create a Free Account for access to:
- Sample business documents
- Budget templates
- Curriculum ideas
- Educator discounts for materials
- And more!
Learn about grants, scholarships, and more on our Financial Support Page.
- Employment-Related Day Care (ERDC) Subsidy Program supports families in paying for child care. Become listed to receive these payments.
- USDA food programs provide reimbursements for food purchases of licensed child care programs. Learn more from sponsoring organizations: Northwest Nutrition or Nutrition First
- Stipends and Reimbursements for training and lead testing are available for licensed providers and license exempt ERDC providers through The Research Institute at WOU. See the Secure Portal to view and submit stipend and reimbursement forms.
- Learn about Development Milestones on the CDC Website
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) resources on the NAEYC website
- FREE Developmental Screening: Oregon Screening Project
- Boost children’s learning with VROOM Tips
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (OAEYC)
- Oregon AFSCME Child Care Providers Together
- Provider Resource Organization (PRO)
- Oregon Child Care Alliance (OCCA)
- Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA)
- National Association for Family Child Care
- Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC)
- Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD)
- Central Coordination of Child Care Resource and Referral
- Oregon Center for Career Development
- Oregon Spark
- Find Child Care Oregon
- Child Care Substitutes of Oregon
- Provider Services Fund
- Inclusive Partners
- Early Childhood Cares
- Early Childhood Hub of Lane County
In the Classroom
- Head Start guide for research-based curriculum
- Curriculum Examples:
Multicultural Principles for Early Childhood Leaders (Head Start)
Discussion Starters: Navigating Your Journey to Inclusion (Inclusive Schools Network)
Creating Inclusive Environments and Learning Experiences for Infants and Toddlers (Child Care Technical Assistance Network)
EI/ECSE Partners with the Oregon Early Childhood Inclusion Initiative (LBESD)
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Early Childhood Classroom (Start Early)
- Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
- Support your classroom with Practical Strategies
- See Evidence-Based “What Works” Briefs
- National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
- Printable classroom visuals, tools, and more!
Book Lists
- General List
- Representing Children and Families with Disabilities
- Children’s Books for Disability Pride Month
- PBS Kids list of Picture Books to Celebrate Disability Pride Month.
- Spanish language Disability Pride children’s books
- Cuentos sobre discapacidades
- Anti-Bias Book Lists
- Infants and Toddlers
Contact Quality Care Connections

Quality Care Connections
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Campus Location: Building 24
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Campus Location: Building 24
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Phone Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.