Honoring Asian and Pacific Islander multicultural identities, backgrounds, and lived experiences at Lane
The Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs at the Multicultural Center (located in Bldg 1 Room 206) is the home of the Asian and Pacific Islander student programs and the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) and is the center for connection, advocacy and support of all self-identified Asian and Pacific Islander students and A/PI campus community as well as campus allies at Lane Community College (LCC) to meet, talk, celebrate, collaborate, learn, promote and encourage awareness of the diverse Asian and Pacific Islander cultures, practices, traditions and indigenous ways of knowing at LCC. The Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs and APISU is served along with the guidance of faculty program coordinator and advisor Kumu Iwalani Raes at raesi@lanecc.edu.
Advising Hours and Availability
Spring Term 2025
We warmly welcome YOU, our new and continuing Lane Asian American and Pacific Islander Titans, to Lane Community College 2024/2025 academic year! We look forward to brainstorming with you for fresh ideas, positive energy and collaboration with fellow students and staff for the many campus and student engagements and learning opportunities this term and throughout all through the upcoming terms during this academic year.
From weekly meetings to connect our A/PI students and to hone skills for leadership development, to a wide array of campus engagements rich with the cultural beauty and indigenous values of the extensive and diverse A/PI perspectives of APISUʻs student membership, we warmly invite you to the many shared learning opportunities just by being part of all that APISU is in our Lane campus. Who is APISU? YOU are!
Schedule of Events and Activities
APISU Weekly Meetings: Spring Term 2025
APISU Student Leadership Team Retreat (Spring Break Week, March 24-28).
Spring Term 2025 Weekly Meeting Schedule (To Be Announced). Please check back soon or contact APISU advisor at raesi@lanecc.edu.
Week 1: Welcome Week (March 31-April 4)
March 31 (Monday): First day of instruction for Spring term 2025.
April 1 (Tuesday): APISU Spring Welcome, 12-1pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Come to the Multicultural Center and stop by to meet and say hello to your APISU student leaders and advisor. We will be here to greet and welcome you to a brand new term and let you know about the many resources available at the Multicultural Center as a Lane student as well as and let you know how you can be part of all the student engagements for APISU this term. Coffee, tea, and snacks provided by Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union and the Multicultural Center.
April 2 (Wednesday): Nā Moʻōlelo O Ka Waʻa (Canoe Stories): An Intercultural Conversation, 2pm-3:30pm (in-person and Zoom). Canoe Stories is back this term! Come join this important conversation as we open the space to share the stories in the rich and complex diversity of our indigenous peoples in our Asian and Pacific Islander voices of students, staff, and community.
Week 2: Discover Your Campus Resources (April 7-11)
April 9 (Wednesday): Nā Moʻōlelo O Ka Waʻa (Canoe Stories): An Intercultural Conversation, 2pm-3:30pm (in-person and Zoom). Canoe Stories is back this term! Come join this important conversation as we open the space to share the stories in the rich and complex diversity of our indigenous peoples in our Asian and Pacific Islander voices of students, staff, and community.
Date TBD: APISU Meet and Greet Luncheon, 12pm-1pm. Connect with fellow API students and campus mentors with a delicious catered lunch. Reserve your spot and signup through the "Schedule of Events and Activities" link above or speak with an APISU Student Leader at the MCC.
Week 3: Walk the Path (April 14-18)
Youʻve found your classes, got acquainted with the syllabi of all your courses and found that awesome spot to hang out and study. What once was new is getting comfortably familiar and you can now concentrate on everything else and accustomed to the routine of college life. Time to meet more people and have more conversations!
April 16 (Wednesday): Nā Moʻōlelo O Ka Waʻa (Canoe Stories): An Intercultural Conversation, 2pm-3:30pm (in-person and Zoom). Canoe Stories is back this term! Come join this important conversation as we open the space to share the stories in the rich and complex diversity of our indigenous peoples in our Asian and Pacific Islander voices of students, staff, and community.
Week 4: Make Connections (April 21-25)
Week 2 was all about campus resources and areas or offices at Lane who are there to help you with tutoring, scholarships, advising, and even where to Chill Out (Zen Den). This weekʻs all about finding others with same interest and community. Enter the student orgs (like APISU!).
April 23 (Wednesday): Nā Moʻōlelo O Ka Waʻa (Canoe Stories): An Intercultural Conversation, 2pm-3:30pm (in-person and Zoom). Canoe Stories is back this term! Come join this important conversation as we open the space to share the stories in the rich and complex diversity of our indigenous peoples in our Asian and Pacific Islander voices of students, staff, and community.
Week 5: Create & Nurture Relationships (April 28-May 2)
May 1 (Thursday): APISU Celebrates Lei Day (Lei-Making Craft), 2-3pm (MCC 1/206). Participants must register due to limited space and materials. Please contact raesi@lanecc.edu for more information or to sign-up in advance.
Week 6: Honor and Celebrate (May 5-9)
April 30 (Wednesday): Nā Moʻōlelo O Ka Waʻa (Canoe Stories): An Intercultural Conversation, 2pm-3:30pm (in-person and Zoom). Canoe Stories is back this term! Come join this important conversation as we open the space to share the stories in the rich and complex diversity of our indigenous peoples in our Asian and Pacific Islander voices of students, staff, and community.
May 6 and 7 (Tue/Wed): APISU Celebrates APIHM, times TBD (MCC 1/206). APISU helps bring awareness to our campus community of the diverse cultures of our Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Come join us and make a choice to broaden your understanding of culture. Refreshments and campus camaraderie!
Week 7: Tell Our Stories (May 12-16)
We learn more about ourselves and each other when we engage in meaningful conversations and storytelling. Our A/PI communities are vast and far-reaching and the stories allow us to come together in harmony of our shared humanity.
Week 8: Q & A Your Life (May 19-23)
Date and Event TBD. Please check back for updates.
Week 9: Decisions that Matter (May 26-30)
Date and Event TBD. Please check back for updates.
Week 10: Find Balance, Holistically (June 2-6; Pre-Finals)
Date and Event TBD. Please check back for updates.
Week 11: Finals Week (June 9-13)
Wishing you all the best on your finals and congratulations on completing this academic year!
Commencement 2025: June 14 (Saturday)
APISU Student Organization Leadership
APISU is looking for highly motivated students committed to learning, developing and practicing their leadership skills in synergistic lead/supportive roles at the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) campus student organization. All currently enrolled and registered students are invited and encouraged to apply. Commitment requirements are flexible at per term or per academic year. Please send a letter of interest by email to Kumu Iwalani Raes at raesi@lanecc.edu.
Contact Asian Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU)
Multicultural Center - Asian and Pacific Islander American Student Program
Building 1, Room 206
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405-0640
Building 1, Room 206
Coordinador del Programa de Estudiantes Americanos de Asia y las Islas del Pacifico: Kumu Iwalani Raes: (541) 463-3245
The Multicultural Center Office hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday during Fall Term 2024.
Additional APISU Advising hours (including evenings/weekends) via Zoom. Email your APISU advisor for available days and times.
Note: LCC is closed on Fridays during summer term.