2024-25 Classified Benefit Information
General Information
- Online Plan Comparison Tool - customize to see only the plans and benefits that are important to you
- Medical Plans - choose from the following:
- Kaiser Plan 1
- Moda Plan 1
- Moda Plan 2
- Moda Plan 6*
*Enrollment in a Health Savings Account ("HSA") is optional and only available with Plan 6. - Moda Plan 7 (retirees only)
- Dental Plans - choose from the following:
- Delta Dental Premier (Moda) Plan 1
- Delta Dental Premier (Moda) Plan 6
- Willamette Dental
- Vision Plans - choose from the following:
- Moda Opal
- VSP Choice Plus
- Medical Plans - choose from the following:
- Rate Charts
Enrollment Changes - If you experience a qualifying change in family status (i.e. loss of other group coverage, marriage/divorce, birth/death, adoption, etc.), please contact Human Resources within 31 days of the qualifying event to make changes to your insurance.
General Notice of COBRA Continuation Rights
Prescription Drug Coverage and Medicare
Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Coverage
Medical Insurance - provided by Moda Health or Kaiser Permanente (administered by OEBB)
Insurance Plan Year: October 1 - September 30
Moda Medical Plans
Medical Plans Available: Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 6 w/ optional HSA, and Plan 7 (retirees only)
Prescription Benefit Information: Moda's pharmacy benefit is based on an evidence-based pharmacy formulary. More information on this benefit, a "price check" tool, a prescription drug list, and other resources is available on Moda's pharmacy services web page.
Kaiser Medical Plan
Prescription Benefit Information: Kaiser's pharmacy benefit is based on a formulary list of drugs that have been approved by Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. More information on this benefit is available on Kaiser's pharmacy web page for the Oregon and SW Washington Region.
Dental Insurance - provided by Moda Health or Willamette Dental (administered by OEBB)
Insurance Plan Year: October 1 - September 30
Moda Dental Plans
Dental Plans Available: Plan 1 and Plan 6
Willamette Dental Plan
Vision Insurance - provided by Moda Health or VSP (administered by OEBB)
Insurance Plan Year: October 1 - September 30
Moda Opal Vision
VSP Choice Plus
Life Insurance - provided by The Standard (administered by OEBB)
Basic Life Insurance (Plan 11)
A basic life insurance benefit of $100,000 is provided. Enrollment is mandatory and the premium is paid 100% by the College.
Portability and conversion options are available when eligibility for coverage ends. Portability is an option for those employees under age 65 at the time in which coverage ends (without regard to reason for termination), who have been enrolled in the benefit for at least 12 months, and who are still medically able to work. For all others, conversion is an option. Application for portability or conversion must be made within 31 days of the coverage end date.
Voluntary Life Insurance
In addition to the College paid basic life insurance benefit, employees have the option of purchasing voluntary life insurance for themselves, spouse or domestic partner, and/or dependent children. Enrollment is voluntary and the premium is paid 100% by the employee via post-tax payroll deduction.
Upon hire, the option to purchase voluntary life insurance is available within the first 31 days of employment. New employees can enroll themselves and a spouse/partner in voluntary life insurance, up to the guarantee issue amount, without the requirement of answering health-related questions. Dependent child voluntary life insurance is also available.
Guarantee Issue Amounts:
Employee - Up to $200,000, in increments of $10,000
Spouse/Partner - Up to $30,000, in increments of $10,000
During the annual open enrollment period, voluntary life insurance can be increased by $20,000 per year, up to the guarantee issue amount noted above, for employee coverage without the requirement of answering health-related questions. Current coverage can also be decreased during open enrollment. First time coverage or application for amounts that exceed the guarantee issue requires the completion of a health-related questionnaire, which is provided by the insurance carrier at the time of application.
Voluntary life insurance premiums are based on the insured's age, are tobacco-rated, and do change as the insured's age increases (in 5 year age bands). To arrive at the per paycheck deduction amount, divide the monthly premium shown by 2.
- Monthly Voluntary Life Insurance Premium (see "optional" rate information)
- Monthly Voluntary Life Insurance Premium Calculator
Portability and conversion options are available when eligibility for coverage ends. Portability is an option for those employees under age 65 at the time in which coverage ends (without regard to reason for termination), who have been enrolled in the benefit for at least 12 months, and who are still medically able to work. Portability is also available to the employee's insured spouse/partner and/or insured dependent children. For all others, conversion is an option. Application for portability or conversion must be made within 31 days of the coverage end date.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance - provided by The Standard (administered by OEBB)
Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (Plan 11)
A basic accidental death and dismemberment insurance benefit of $100,000 is provided. Enrollment is mandatory and the premium is paid 100% by the College.
Portability and conversion options are available when eligibility for coverage ends. Portability is an option for those employees under age 65 at the time in which coverage ends (without regard to reason for termination), who have been enrolled in the benefit for at least 12 months, and who are still medically able to work. For those not eligible for portability, conversion is an option. Application for portability or conversion must be made within 31 days of the coverage end date.
Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
In addition to the College paid basic life insurance benefit, employees have the option of purchasing voluntary AD&D for themselves, spouse or domestic partner, and/or dependent children. Enrollment is voluntary and the premium is paid 100% by the employee via post-tax payroll deduction.
Upon hire, the option to purchase voluntary AD&D is available within the first 31 days of employment. Coverage amounts available are in increments of $10,000, up to a maximum benefit of $500,000. For dependent children, coverage amounts available are in increments of $2,000, up to a maximum benefit of $10,000. Health-related questions are not required for the AD&D benefit.
During the annual open enrollment period, coverage can be added, increased, or decreased. Health-related questions are not required for the AD&D benefit.
Voluntary AD&D premiums are based on a flat rate per $10,000 of coverage. To arrive at the per paycheck deduction amount, divide the monthly premium shown by 2.
- Monthly Voluntary AD&D Insurance Premium (see "optional" rate information)
Portability and conversion options are available when eligibility for coverage ends. Portability is an option for those employees under age 65 at the time in which coverage ends (without regard to the reason for termination), who have been enrolled in the benefit for at least 12 months, and who are still medically able to work. Portability is not an option for the employee's insured spouse/domestic partner and/or insured dependent children. For those not eligible for portability, conversion is an option. Application for portability or conversion must be made within 31 days of the coverage end date.
Short Term Disability Insurance - provided by The Standard (administered by OEBB)
Short Term Disability (Plan 29)
A short term disability benefit is provided. Enrollment is mandatory and the premium is paid 100% by the employer.
With an approved disability claim, the coverage provided pays 66.67% of eligible weekly salary, up to a maximum weekly benefit of $1,500, after a 7 calendar day benefit waiting period.
Continuation of coverage post-employment is not available and eligibility for this benefit ends on the last day of work in the eligible position.
Long Term Disability Insurance - provided by The Standard (administered by OEBB)
Long Term Disability (Plan 18)
A long term disability benefit is provided. Enrollment is mandatory and the premium is paid 100% by the employee via post-tax payroll deduction.
With an approved disability claim, the coverage provided pays 66.67% of eligible monthly salary, up to a maximum monthly benefit of $8,000, after a 90 calendar day benefit waiting period.
Long term disability premiums are based on a flat rate. To arrive at the per paycheck deduction amount, divide the monthly premium shown by 2.
Monthly Long Term Disability Premium: $19.92
Portability is not an option; however, conversion of this benefit may be available when eligibility for coverage ends. Conversion is available to those employees who are still medically able to work and who are not separating from employment due to retirement. Application for conversion must be made within 31 days of the coverage end date.
Long Term Care Insurance - provided by Unum (administered by OEBB)
Long Term Care Insurance
Long Term Care is coverage that will help pay for assisted living, nursing home care, or home health care in the event the insured is unable to care for oneself due to a chronic condition or disability. Enrollment is voluntary and the premium is paid 100% by the employee via post-tax payroll deduction.
Upon hire, the option to purchase long term care insurance is available within the first 31 days of employment. Coverage amounts must be in increments of $1,000 a month, ranging from a $2,000 minimum monthly benefit up to a $9,000 maximum monthly benefit, with options for receiving the monthly benefit over 3 years, 6 years, or a lifetime, and additional add-on benefit selections for inflation and/or total choice home care. New employees can elect long term care coverage for themselves, without answering health-related questions, for amounts that do not exceed the Evidence of Insurability. New employees can elect long term care coverage for a spouse/partner; however, coverage is not guaranteed and subject to approval by Unum.
Evidence of Insurability Limits:
Monthly benefit - up to $6,000
Benefit Duration - up to 6 years
During the annual open enrollment period, coverage can be added, increased, or decreased. First time coverage or applications to increase benefit coverage is not guaranteed and subject to approval by Unum.
The rate is based on enrollment selections and the insured's age at time of enrollment. To arrive at the per paycheck deduction amount, divide the monthly premium shown by 2.
Continuation of coverage after payroll deductions have ended is available through Unum on a direct bill basis. Application for continuation must be made within 60 days of the last payroll deduction.
Employee Assistance Program - provided by Canopy (administered by OEBB)
Plan Year: October 1 - September 30
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered by Canopy gives employees and their eligible dependents up to eight free confidential counseling sessions per incident, per person, each year. In addition to counseling, Canopy provides support and resources for various life situations, such as home ownership and housing, caregiving, access to professional coaches for goal achievement, childcare, financial wellness, estate planning, legal consultations and more.
In the Member Site there are guides, webinars, training and other informational materials.
- New Account Registration Video
- New Account Registration (organization: OEBB)
Health Insurance Opt-Out Stipend
Employees who have other group coverage may choose to opt-out of the College's medical, dental and vision plans. Those who opt-out because of other group coverage are eligible to receive a $100.00 stipend each pay period. Participation or enrollment in the Individual Marketplace Exchange (ACA), Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid or Student Health Insurance does not qualify for the opt-out stipend. Proof of other group coverage is required.
Health Savings Account (administered by P&A Group)
This voluntary benefit offers employees who are enrolled in Moda Medical Plan 6 (a High Deductible Health Plan) the opportunity to have money deducted from payroll on a pre-tax basis for future reimbursement of eligible medical, dental, and/or vision expenses.
Paid Leave
Sick Leave - Employees accrue at the rate of twelve (12) hours per month, prorated based on FTE, with no maximum balance restrictions. Upon separation of employment, unused sick leave is not paid out; however, allowed unused sick leave shall be used in accordance with the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) procedures to compute retirement benefits. Additionally, unused sick leave from prior PERS employment may be eligible to transfer to Lane. Upon transfer, the hours are added to the employee's available sick leave balance and become immediately available for use.
Vacation Leave - Employees with less than five (5) years of continuous service accrue at the rate of seven and a half (7.50) hours per month, prorated based on FTE. Employees with five (5) or more years of continuous service accrue at the rate of fifteen (15) hours per month, prorated based on FTE. Accrued vacation hours are available for use after the six (6) month initial trial period is successfully completed. The maximum amount of vacation that can be carried forward from one calendar year to the next is 240 hours. Upon separation of employment, unused vacation leave is paid out on the employee's final check, up to a maximum of 240 hours, at the employee's wage rate at the date of separation.
Personal Leave - Employees are granted twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave (not prorated based on FTE) each calendar year. Hours are granted with the first paycheck of the calendar year (Jan 10), for use on/after the pay period beginning January 1. Hours not used by the last pay period of the preceding calendar year (pay period ending December 31) are forfeited.
College Closure Days - Employees are awarded eighty (80) hours of leave, prorated based on annual FTE, to be used during the designated "College Closure Days", typically ten (10) Fridays during summer term when the College is closed; however, days are subject to designation and assignment based on the annual academic calendar. Upon separation of employment, unused hours are not paid out. Summer 2025 Closure Days Announcement
Emergency Leave - In the event of a critical illness, accident or death of an employee's immediate family member, up to five (5) days of paid emergency leave is granted for each occurrence. The use of emergency leave is granted by Human Resources. Up to five (5) additional half days may be granted by the President or their designee (currently Human Resources) upon written request. See contract for definition of immediate family member.
Retirement (administered by PERS)
Public Employees Retirement System - Membership begins automatically after six (6) full months of employment for all eligible employees and enrollment is automatic. For employees who have active PERS membership at time of employment, the waiting period is waived.
The College contributes the required employee contribution of six percent (6%) of eligible gross pay into Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) on each employee's behalf, in addition to any employer contribution required; therefore, there is no deduction from employees' pay for this benefit. Additional contributions are not allowed and investment of all contributions is handled by the State of Oregon. All employees desiring to contribute pre-tax dollars to an individual retirement account may do so through Tax Sheltered Annuities and Deferred Compensation programs (see below for more information).
The retirement benefit is administered according to the rules and regulations of PERS and is subject to change.
Section 125 Flexible Spending Account (administered by P&A Group)
This voluntary benefit offers employees the opportunity to have money deducted from payroll on a pre-tax basis for reimbursement of eligible medical, dental, vision, and/or daycare expenses.
Supplemental Retirement Savings Options (administered by CCC)
This voluntary benefit offers a list of Tax Sheltered Annuity and Deferred Compensation providers for employees to contribute additional dollars to a personal retirement account. Contributions are made through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis under IRS tax codes 403(b) and 457.
Contributions to a post-tax personal retirement account are available under IRS tax code 403(b), also known as a "Roth 403(b)".
Unlimited tuition waiver benefits are available to employees and qualified dependents in accordance with the Family Tuition Waiver guidelines and the Classified Contract. Employees may enroll in classes that are not in conflict with regular working responsibilities.
Extra Benefits and Wellness Programs by Moda Health Plans
Extra Benefits and Wellness Programs by Kaiser Permanente
Extra Benefits by The Standard. Programs and resources include:
- Life Services Toolkit (username: assurance)
- Estate-planning
- Identity Theft Protection
- Financial Planning and Counseling
- Health & Wellness
- Funeral Arrangements
- Grief Support
- Legal Services
- Travel Protection
HR Benefits Contacts
Kali Phillips (last names beginning with A-L, except part-time faculty)
Lead HR Benefits Analyst
Email: phillipsk@lanecc.edu
Phone: (541) 463-5589
Emily Madden (last names beginning with M-Z and all part-time faculty)
HR Generalist
Email: maddene@lanecc.edu
Phone: (541) 463-3193
Sharon Daniel
Talent Acquisition, Employee Engagement & Benefits/Compensation Manager
Email: daniels@lanecc.edu
Phone: (541) 463-5190
Disclaimer: This is a brief summary of benefits. Please refer to the union contract and/or insurance plan document for complete details. All benefits are provided in accordance with the terms of the contract and/or plan document, which alone determines actual benefits.