Approved by the Board of Education
December 15, 2021
Completed by Strategic Plan Steering Committee; edited by Board Ad Hoc Committee
Edited and approved by the Board of Education December 2021
Our Mission The fundamental reason the college exists–the commitment we are making to the community.
Lane is the Community’s college. We provide quality, comprehensive, accessible, inclusive, learning-centered educational opportunities that promote equitable student success.
Our Vision The desired future for the college.
Transforming lives through learning
Our Values To fulfill our mission and achieve our vision, these ideals direct us in our service to the community and interaction with each other.
Learning, Diversity, Innovation, Collaboration and Partnership, Integrity, Accessibility, Sustainability
Goals and Objectives
Goal #1: Improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in student access and achievement
- 1.1 Increase admissions, retention and completion of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students in underserved populations
- 1.2 Make progress towards achieving federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
- 1.3 Ensure clear, well-defined processes that result in positive student experiences
- 1.4 Foster civic engagement and prepare students to live and work in a diverse and global society
- 1.5 Increase overall student engagement and student participation in college-wide planning and decision-making
- 1.6 Invest in programs which contribute to a highly skilled and diverse pool to the regional workforce
Goal #2: Increase enrollment
- 2.1 Increase College Now enrollments, quality sponsored dual credit offerings for high school students and concurrent enrollment of high school students
- 2.2 Increase enrollment of underserved students in rural and other underserved areas
- 2.3 Increase enrollment of non-traditional students, including veterans, unemployed, underemployed, and displaced workers
- 2.4 Provide Career Technical Education (CTE) programs that respond to local and regional workforce needs
Goal #3: Increase student success
- 3.1 Increase first-time, full-time, award/degree attainment for all students
- 3.2 Close opportunity gaps for under-represented, first-time, full-time students
- 3.3 Decrease “average time to degree or award”
- 3.4 Reduce barriers to retention and completion
- 3.5 Increase retention for all students across demographics through increased student services and support
- 3.6 Increase transfer rate and improve preparation for successful transfer to four-year and other institutions
- 3.7 Expand work-based learning opportunities and co-curricular programming to enhance employment opportunities
- 3.8 Facilitate student transition to the workplace
Goal #4 Engage in continuous improvement
- 4.1 Ensure all college plans align with the goals, objectives, and strategies of the College Strategic Plan
- 4.2 Ensure that services and programs are engaged in continuous improvement and are informed by regular program review
- 4.3 Ensure continuous improvements for the College through evidence-based decision-making
- 4.4 Assess programs using equity strategies to reduce access barriers and improve retention and completion rates
- 4.5 Improve educational experiences and environments to increase students’ achievement of learning outcomes through professional development within disciplines, teaching, and student support
Goal #5 Improve financial stability and sustainability
- 5.1 Restore the college’s ending fund balance
- 5.2 Mitigate risks and address emergencies and shifts in the operational environment
- 5.3 Advance the mission of the college by growing a LCC Alumni Association
- 5.4 Advance the mission of the college through increasing development outcomes
- 5.5 Increase the collaboration of the college with the LCC Foundation
- 5.6 Maintain a sustainable portfolio of programs, services, and organizational infrastructure through routine evaluation and prioritization for the purpose of resource allocation
- 5.7 Engage in financial planning that prioritizes the educational and student service mission of the college and aligns with strategic planning
Goal #6 Identify strategic infrastructure investments
- 6.1 Ensure LCC has a robust professional development system
- 6.2 Recruit and retain a diverse and stable workforce
- 6.3 Support the work and well-being of all employees
- 6.4 Identify actions necessary to ensure the safety of LCC students and employees
- 6.5 Increase recruitment and retention of bilingual and multilingual employees
- 6.6 Increase recruitment and retention of BIPOC employees, particularly among groups with lower rates of representation (e.g. management, senior leadership, and faculty)
- 6.7 Identify actions necessary to ensure all LCC employees feel welcome, included, valued, and supported to do their best work
- 6.8 Ensure all capital construction and maintenance aligns with the Facilities Master Plan and strategic planning
- 6.9 Develop a comprehensive facilities plan that includes an analysis of real estate assets and cost-benefit analysis of all campus locations and LCC-owned properties and facilities
- 6.10 Complete planned bond projects on time and on budget
- 6.11 Reduce outstanding deferred maintenance
- 6.12 Successfully adhere to board adopted goals for the bond, including Community Benefits Agreement (CBA)
- 6.13 Update and streamline IT Systems and Operations
- 6.14 Improve campus cybersecurity while balancing the needs of users and information security
- 6.15 Ensure employees and students have access to the technology necessary to be successful
Environmental sustainability
- 6.16 Ensure LCC makes measurable progress toward meeting the goals of the Climate Action Plan