Council Membership

Accordingly, with each council charter, the representatives of the specific stakeholder groups and administration are appointed by the college President; the Lane Community College Employees Federation; Lane Community College Education Association; Lane Student Government Association; Management Senate; and Faculty Council.

College Council

Meetings: 2nd Wednesdays, 2 - 4 pm. Building 3, Room 216

President (Vice-Chair)Stephanie Bulger
VP ASAShelly Tinkham
VP F&OKara Flath
Institutional Research RepresentativeCathy Thomas
ClassifiedAmanda Blunt (Chair)
ClassifiedFrankie Cocanour
Faculty Council Co-ChairsKevin Steeves & Gerry Meenaghan
Faculty (LCCEA)Kate Sullivan
ManagerMandie Pritchard
ManagerDaniel Brown
StudentSophie Gibson
StudentEmma Duncan
Diversity Council ChairAvery Old Coyote (by position)
Infrastructure Council ChairMeggie Wright (CC Chair) & Rick Glover (acting - by position)
Student Success Council ChairGina Szabady (by position)
Recorder: Nicole Vickers

Diversity Council

Meetings: 1st Friday of each month from 9-11 am. Building 3/206. Work group sessions meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 9-11 am. Meetings may be scheduled on other days due to holidays or planned campus closures.

VP of Academic AffairsColm Joyce (vice-chair, delegate)
AVP HR & Labor RelationsShane Turner
AVP of Equity & Inclusionvacant
ClassifiedEmily Shaw
ClassifiedTracy Weimer
Faculty CouncilRachel Knighten
Faculty (LCCEA)Kumu Iwalani
ManagerSharon Daniel
ManagerLisa Rupp
Member by positionBlue Crook
Member by positionRosa Lopez
Member by positionSarah Lushia
Member by positionEdrees Nawabi
Member by positionAvery Old Coyote (chair)
Member by positionMandie Pritchard
Member by positionLeslie Soriano-Cervantes
Recorder: Bliss Newton

Faculty Council


Gerry Meenaghan, (Co-Chair, year 2)Workforce Development (Cooperative Education / High School Connections)
Kevin Steeves (Co-Chair, year 1)Academic Support & Innovation
Claire DannenbaumAcademic Support & Innovation
Doug DoerfertArts & Humanities
Solomon SingerAviation Academy
Jill GillettBusiness, CIT, Trades
Tracy HenningerCollege and Career Foundations (ESL)
Julie PfaffCollege and Career Foundations
Tammy SalmanCurriculum and Assessment
Jessica AlvaradoWorkforce Development (Career Pathways, Culinary, Career Counselors)
Sam GibeauHealth/PE/Athletics
Peggy OberstallerHealth/PE/Athletics
Gloria NorthupHealth Professions
Sarah EricksonMath & Engineering
John ThompsonScience
Jonathan HoltScience
Caoimhin O'FearghillSocial Science
Jim SaltSocial Science
Fiora Starchild-WolfLCCEF (Ex-Officio)
Adrienne MitchellLCCEA (Ex-Officio)
Gate KwalesoSGA (Ex-Officio)
Shelley TinkhamVP of Academic & Student Affairs
Recorder: Megan Miller 

Infrastructure Council

Meetings: Second Thursday of each month during the academic year; 2-3:30 pm, via Zoom. Work group meetings held on the fourth Thursday when school is in session.

Facilities Management and Planning DirectorJennifer Hayward
Division Dean of Academic TechnologyIan Coronado
Vice President Information TechnologyBrent Muñoz (Vice-Chair)
ClassifiedJosh Manders
Classified Kyle Schmidt
Classified Carrie Young
Faculty (LCCEA)Anne McGrail
Faculty (LCCEA)Meggie Wright (Chair)
Faculty CouncilRick Glover
ManagerEllen Osterkamp
Member by positionLuis Maggiori
Member by positionRobin Geyer
Member by position 
Member by position 
Recorder: Amy Skehan

Either Facilities Director or Vice President Information Technology serves as Vice Chair.

Student Success Council

Meetings: 2nd Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Center Building, Room 303

VP of Student AffairsColman Joyce (Vice-chair)  
Dean of Academic TechnologyIan Coronado
ClassifiedSusie Kekac
ClassifiedClaire Graman
ClassifiedAndi Graham
Faculty CouncilSara Pittman
Faculty CouncilSarah Lushia
Faculty CouncilMel Stark
ManagerDaniel K.T. Brown
ManagerCarl Yeh
StudentJordan Meyers
StudentAman Nurmukhanbetov
By positionDawn Whiting
By positionMandie Pritchard
By positionCathy Thomas
By positionBrenda Williams
By positionGina Szabady (Co-chair)
Recorder: Bliss Newton

Archived Councils

During 2019-2021, the college governance system was evaluated and revised, with the work of the following councils on this page merged into the work of other councils. This membership list is preserved in recognition of the importance of the work done by the councils, and to assist the councils who will continue that work.

Charter Representatives
VP of Finance & Administration Jennifer Hayward(Vice-Chair)
VP ASA Jennifer Frei
Facilities M&P Director Mark Richardson
Health & Safety Director Dawn Barth
Faculty (LCCEA) Richard Glover
Faculty Council  
Classified Mike Zimmerman
Classified Alen Bahret(Chair)
Manager Ellen Osterkamp
Manager Terrie Minner
Member by position Mike Sims
Member by position Robin Geyer
Member by position Luis Maggiori
Recorder: Mira Mason-Reader
Charter Representatives
VP of Finance & Administration  (Vice-Chair)
VP ASA Patrick Blaine
Chief Finance Officer Greg Holmes
Classified Dacia Smith
Classified Tracy Weimer
Faculty (LCCEA) Dennis Gilbert  (Chair)
Faculty (LCCEA) Kathy Walters
Manager Mindie Dieu
Manager Russ Pierson
Student Amber Coleman
Student Vacant
Member by position Zach Evans
Member by position Matt Fadich
Member by position Kozue Perrault
Recorder:  Mira Mason-Reader
Charter Representatives
VP ASA Jennifer Frei (Vice-Chair)
AVP AA  Ellen Osterkamp
Faculty Council Co-Chair  Jennifer Kepka
Faculty LCCEA President   Adrienne Mitchell
Classified  Wendy Milbrat
Faculty (LCCEA)  Laura Pelletier
Faculty (LCCEA)   Nancy Wood (Chair)
Manager  Phil Martinez
Manager  Patrick Blaine
Member by position  Tammy Salman
Member by position  Ian Coronado
Recorder: Tracy Weimer
Charter Representatives
VP ASA  Mindie Dieu (Vice-Chair)
Classified Rosa Maria Banuelos-Uribe
Classified Kyle Schmidt 
Faculty Council Brenda Williams
Faculty Council Casey Reid (Chair)
Manager Carl Yeh
Manager Matt Fadich
Student Shana Weiland
Member by position Dawn Whiting
Member by position Tammi Garlock
Recorder: Paul Suzuki
Charter Representatives
AVP IT Bill Schuetz  (Vice-Chair)
AVP ASA Ian Coronado  
Classified Matt Danskine
Classified Brandon Gibson (Chair)
Classified Mike Zimmerman
Faculty (LCCEA) Anne McGrail
Faculty Council Meggie Wright
Manager Barbara Barlow-Powers
Manager Carl Yeh
Student Jeremiah Vandegrift
Member by position  
Member by position  
Recorder: Carl Yeh