Learn more about Lane's future workforce and advanced technology hub
Project Background
The 2020 Lane Master Plan identified significant deferred maintenance and seismic stability risk with Building 12 which houses much of the industrial trades education programs. A programmatic review done in preparation for the building renovation suggested changes to program delivery to meet future community trades education in the community. Initial design studies found significant structural and safety concerns with the existing facility.
Based on identified programmatic and building deficiencies, it was determined that developing a new facility and demolishing existing facilities would provide the best long-term value for the campus community.

Construction (Photos taken 9/19/23)
We're about three months away from occupancy. Site work is still happening, and fences and landscaping will be coming in soon.

Bond Rationale:
A Project addresses multiple aspects of workforce retraining and career technical education specifically mentioned in ballot measure 20-306. Related projects including the demolition of existing buildings address the significant deferred maintenance backlog, improve campus safety, and provide a new gateway from the east side of campus.
Goals and Objectives:
The building design is intended to create a “workforce and advanced technology hub”. Spaces are to be flexible to adapt to emerging technologies and equipment to support local economic growth. The building is to showcase career technical education and apprenticeship programs, provide flexible learning spaces that accommodate contemporary tools, equipment, and teaching pedagogies, and enhance the overall character of the LCC campus.
Instructional Programs & Services:
- Apprenticeship Training
- Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Construction Technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Faculty and Student Advising Offices
- Interdisciplinary Fabrication Laboratory
Building to be certified by USGBC - Minimum LEED Silver. The Building roof is designed to maximize the area for solar future solar panel installation.
Design Start: September 2021
Construction Start: April 2023
Building Occupancy: November 2024
Consultant Team:
Architects: Hennebery Eddy Architects
Construction Manager/General Contractor: Lease Crutcher Lewis Construction
Total Project: $ 49.5 Million
Construction Cost: $ 39.0 Million
Project Details:
New three-story 55,353 square foot building. The building will include high-bay industrial spaces, classrooms, apprenticeship training laboratories, and an interdisciplinary fabrication laboratory. Site improvements with the demolition of Building 12 will improve pedestrian and emergency access in the southeast quadrant of the campus. Enhanced circulation pathways will create a new eastern gateway to the campus core.
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Copyright © Hennebery Eddy Architects
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