people pouring and smoothing concrete in construction project

Experiential Learning

Apply your learning outside of the classroom through an internship, service learning experience, study or work abroad, or leadership role on campus.

The goals of experiential learning are to:

  • Engage with the community through civic growth
  • Take ownership of your own lifelong learning
  • Apply knowledge and theory to real world experiences
  • Gain leadership skills and develop career ambitions

We offer a variety of options for you to fulfill your experiential learning: Academic Experiential Learning, Service Learning, and Leadership. Choose the type of experiential learning that best fits your academic course of study, career goals, and personal situation.

We recommend that you meet with our experiential learning coordinator to verify that your chosen experiential learning activity meets Honors Program criteria. Experiential learning activities must be verified through the Lane Honors Program; unverified activities will not count toward Honors Program requirements. Once you have fulfilled time and documentation requirements, notify the Honors Faculty Coordinator.

Academic Experiential Learning

Through academic experiential learning, you will incorporate a learning experience outside of the classroom while earning academic credit.

man at construction site

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education (Co-op) offers career/technical and college transfer credit for practical work experience related to your educational and career goals. Co-op gives you an opportunity to apply theory learned in the classroom to work experience in a career field or engage in intensive service learning. The objective of Co-op is to provide an on-the-job learning experience in a business or organization which adds meaning and direction to the your total education.

two women studying together

Study Abroad

Lane offers a limited but growing number of study abroad opportunities. Our International Programs department can help you find the perfect program.

image of Asian city

Work Abroad

Work in an international setting for a full quarter and earn twelve elective credits, six of which may be applied to your Honors Program requirements. Work abroad is available all terms including summer, but you must apply six months in advance. Financial aid may help cover the cost of an international work experience; however, international work experience costs more than a typical term at Lane. For full information, see International Co-op.

Service Learning

Choose from taking a course that includes service learning, enrolling in a special Service Learning Cooperative Education course, or serving as a peer guide in the Counseling Department.

man helping another man in a wheelchair

Service Learning Courses

Service Learning Courses integrates meaningful community service with instruction. Lane offers a variety of courses that either require or offer an optional service learning assignment.

two people observing a creek

Service Learning Cooperative Edcuation

Enroll in a service learning cooperative education course and earn three elective credits (108 work hours) at a community site or on a project for a community partner. Learn about relevant issues and contribute to the work of the organization. Address real community needs, practice critical thinking, citizenship and civic responsibility, develop skills, explore career options, and network with professionals. Set your learning objectives and participate in faculty-led guided reflection activities.

women in a discussion group

Student Service Associate (SSA)

Become a Student Service Associate (SSA) and serve as a peer guide in the Counseling Department. SSAs are trained paraprofessionals who guide fellow students with regard to college resources, services and procedures. SSAs serve as positive role models, provide outreach to diverse student groups, and assist with campus-wide events. Plan ahead; applications are accepted Spring term only.


Take on a significant leadership role in a student or college organization. A significant role means holding an officer position in an organization such as the following:

You may also elect to participate in college initiatives to fulfill the experiential learning requirement.

Gerry Meenaghan

Experiential Learning Coordinator

To learn more about experiential learning options for the Lane Honors Program, schedule an appointment with Gerry Meenaghan. At your meeting, Gerry will ask about the following

  • The degree are you planning to earn at Lane
  • Whether you attended other colleges before enrolling at Lane
  • If you attended another college, what you studied
  • What your plans are after you graduate from Lane
  • A brief description of your prior volunteer experience
  • A brief description of your employment history
  • Your resume, if you have one, as a word or pdf file

Gerry Meenaghan
(541) 463-5883