Connecting regularly with your advisor can help ensure you stay on track to graduate.
Email your Advising Team
Figure out who your advisors are, communicate with your advisors via email, or ask quick academic planning questions
At Lane, advisors each advise for groups of programs.
If you are a prior college student contacting us for the first time, please use our contact form below to submit unofficial copies of your college transcripts for review.
Attend Drop-In Advising
Individual advising on a first-come, first-serve basis, max 15 minutes each
Advisors try to keep their schedules updated for drop-in advising as much as possible, but schedules are subject to change. Your Career Community might not have Drop-in Zoom hours just yet, in which case you can email them or see drop-in times.
- Individual advising on a first-come, first-serve basis, max 15 minutes each.
- You need to have completed all Steps to Enroll first
- Bring questions that pertain to current and next term only.
- Students must show up at least 15 minutes prior to the end of the advising hour.