Foundation Forms for Staff

How to Access Money in Your LCC Foundation Account

If you are an authorized signer on a Foundation account, you may access departmental funds by completing a Check Request Form and attach appropriate documentation (receipt/invoice/etc.). We reimburse expenses and/or pay vendors directly. We do not reimburse for gift cards. We cannot pay students directly; funds will be deposited into a student's ExpressLane account. If it is a reimbursement for the person filling out the form, you cannot approve your own reimbursement, an alternate Authorized Signer must approve the Check Request.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Dolan, Accountant, at  (541) 463-5810.

Please send completed forms by email to or by mail to, Shannon Dolan, 4000 E 30th Ave, Building 19, Room 271, Eugene, OR 97405.


Guidelines For Requesting Disbursements - Before seeking payment or reimbursement from the LCC Foundation, please read through the guidelines. The Foundation does not reimburse or provide any funding for the purchase of gift cards or gift card-related fees. The Foundation does not provide cash advances. All check requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation.

W-9 Form - Required for payments to individuals and non-incorporated businesses.

Deposit Transmittal - Please complete the LCC Deposit Transmittal. The form must be approved by College Finance before the LCC Foundation can accept the deposit. Do not ever send cash, checks or credit card information via Campus Mail. Non-gift revenue is money received from the sale of something. Examples would include: ticket sales, music sales, food sales, raffle, room rental, or any other occurrence where you would receive monies that are not considered to be a charitable donation by the IRS (see IRS Pub 1771 or IRS Pub 526 regarding Charitable Contributions). Non-gift deposits must be turned in to College Finance with their Deposit Transmittal. College Finance will determine if it should come over to the Foundation for deposit into a Foundation account.

LCC Foundation Gift Transmittal - Deposit Transmittal for Foundation Funds (Gift Revenue Only). Please contact us at (541) 463-5135 to schedule a cash deposit. Do not ever send cash, checks or credit card information via Campus Mail. Gifts, also known as charitable contributions, are made by an individual or an organization to a nonprofit organization, charity or private foundation. Charitable donations are commonly in the form of cash, credit card or checks. The individual (donor) receives a letter from the nonprofit organization acknowledging that their gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors should consult with a tax professional to determine the extent of their gift's tax benefit.

In-Kind Donation Form and Instructions - Please see this page to determine how to value and document an in-kind gift. Please seek advice from a certified public accountant or other tax professional when claiming in-kind donations for tax purposes.

Request for New Account Form - To request a new Foundation account, please complete this form.

Request for Account Revisions Form - To change an authorized signer to an account or make other account revisions.

Legacy Society Membership Form