Tutoring is free to all Lane students and covers more than 50 subjects. You can drop in or make an appointment for on-campus or online (through Zoom) tutoring, or email us at tutoring@lanecc.edu with any questions.
Visiting a center on campus? Check in here!
Spring Term 2025 - Starts 3/31/2025
(hours subject to change)
Main Campus:
Make an appointment to reserve time with a tutor or drop in while you're on campus.
Business Resource Center (Building 19, Room 249)
Find help with business courses and use the computers and textbooks!
- Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (tutors available on limited schedule)
CIT Lab (Building 19, Room 135)
Meet with classmates, use computers and large shared screens, and get help with programming assignments and more.
- Monday - Friday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Writing and Humanities Help (Building 16, Rooms 193 and 169)
- Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
STEM Learning Zone (Building 16, Room 193)
Meet with classmates, use the computer lab, borrow scientific calculators and other math and science equipment, review course textbooks, and work with tutors.
- Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
We are temporarily not holding tutoring in Tutor Central in the Center Building. Please join us in one of these spaces.
Downtown Campus:
Meet with tutors or join classmates for scheduled conversation groups.
- Monday 11:00 am - 3:30 pm
- Tuesday 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
- Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Thursday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
ESL Conversation Help at the Eugene Public Library
Students and community members are invited to join a conversation and study hour with volunteers and academic coaches at the Eugene Public Library downtown. Two members of Lane's childcare services will be available to keep an eye on any children present while parents work and talk with other language learners. No registration is required.
- Tuesday and Wednesday: 4:30 to 6 p.m.
- Saturday: 10:30 to 12:30
Meet with tutors
- Monday & Tuesday & Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Saturday 9:00 am - 2 pm
Online tutoring appointments can be made in advance.
Drop-ins welcome: Visit Online Tutoring to join the Zoom room during the hours listed above.
All students who work with a tutor (online or on campus) will be asked to add a noncredit, tuition-free CRN# once per term. This allows Lane to receive reimbursement from the state for services provided to students.
All Terms:
Writing Help:
Send your paper (from any class) for feedback to writingtutor@lanecc.edu to get a response within 48 hours.
Not finding a time that works for you?
Visit the eTutoring Consortium for Online E-tutoring for support when Lane tutors are unavailable. You'll meet with a tutor from one of several regional colleges for group study sessions on your topic.
Tutoring Session:
A one-on-one (or small group) writing tutoring session consists of tutors providing support to students by discussing student writing needs and collaborating in order for the student to reach their writing goals. This can be anything from the initial brainstorm to structure and organization to proofreading to citations. In addition to the writing process, sessions may also include conversation about overcoming writing anxiety, writing tips, and strategies for achieving writing objectives inside and outside of school.
Writing Sessions are: | Writing Sessions are not: |
an open conversation between student and tutor about a student’s writing | a formal reading or assessment of student writing |
a collaborative effort by both student and tutor to meet goals of writing assignment and address student needs | an opportunity for tutors alone to solve writing issues and do writing assignments for students |
an excellent, free resource for enhancing student writing by receiving feedback through asking questions and receiving recommendations | a stress-filled environment where students are obligated to follow tutor recommendations |
designated time to focus on and address student writing needs, goals, and obstacles | designated time for tutors to complete student readings and assignments in order to compensate for student unpreparedness |
How to Prepare for a Writing Tutoring Session:
- While walk-ins are welcome, making an appointment is strongly encouraged to guarantee time with a tutor. You can make appointments on WCOnline.
- Bring or have access to your assignment guidelines.
- Have an idea of what you want to highlight to your tutor as top priority for the session (even if that means telling your tutor you are overwhelmed and do not know where to start).
- Try to schedule your session well in advance of the assignment due date so that you have plenty of time to make revisions and schedule follow-ups, if needed.
- Be ready to ask lots of questions in order to accomplish your writing goals!
How Often Students can Meet with Tutors per Week:
Appointment times may be limited based on demand in some tutoring areas/disciplines.
What to Do About Canceled or Missed Appointments:
In the event that a student is no longer able to attend their scheduled tutoring appointment, then it is their responsibility to cancel the appointment.
If a student fails to arrive for their scheduled tutoring appointment within 10 to 12 minutes of the appointment start time, then it is the tutoring policy to mark the appointment as a NO SHOW. If a student accrues 2 or more NO SHOWs, then they will be automatically restricted from making future tutoring appointments until they communicate with the tutoring coordinators, email tutoring@lanecc.edu.
Lane hires both current students and non-students for tutoring. Here’s what you need to know to work with us!
Current Students Interested in Tutoring
Requirements for student tutors:
- Have an A or B in any subject you’d tutor in (or have passed in non-credit courses like ESL or GED)
- Provide the names of two faculty or past instructors who can recommend you
- Be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours (or the non-credit equivalent) during the terms you work
Preferred qualifications/qualities:
- Available to work for at least 2-3 terms
- Ability to tutor in multiple subjects/for multiple classes within the same subject area
Working with us:
- Students work up anywhere from 3 to 15 hours a week depending on demand and their own schedules
- Starting salary is minimum wage: currently $14.70 per hour
- Schedules are set by term and are built around your class and other commitments.
- Tutors work both remotely in our Zoom support Hub, where we take drop-ins and appointments for one-on-one and group tutoring, and on our main Eugene campus. Schedule and location information varies by term (see the top of the page for details).
- Students must work on or from campus for the majority of their hours.
- Apply for all student roles through the Lane Job Connections site.
- Drop in to our Support Hub on Zoom to see how it works (and sign up for a tutoring session yourself, if you’re in need).
- Contact us at tutoring@lanecc.edu to find out more about current openings and needs. Our hiring process includes the recommendations listed above and an interview with our staff.
Non-Student Tutors (Classified Staff, Hourly Part-Time)
- Non-student tutors should apply through the Lane jobs page (when our position is open). If you don’t see a position listed but feel you’d meet these qualifications and have an interest in working with us, please contact us at tutoring@lanecc.edu.
Requirements for staff tutors:
- At least two years of tutoring or equivalent education/experience
- At least two years of post-high school education
- Willing to work both online and on campus, as needed
Preferred qualifications/qualities:
- Bilingual in Spanish or other world languages taught at Lane
- Ability to tutor in multiple subjects or most courses within the same subject area
- Customer service or other front-desk/welcome center experience
Working with us:
- Staff can work up to approximately 18 hours per week during school terms (including summer)
- The salary range is dependent on experience, but is generally within the range of $17-$25 an hour
- Staff are required to work the majority of their hours from either our Eugene or Downtown campus locations. Some remote hours may be arranged through our online Support Hub. Schedule and location will vary based on department need each term.
- Our hiring process includes an application form and an interview.
Contact Academic and Tutoring Services
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Saturdays via Zoom 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.