Q: Does the Foundation provide emergency funding or emergency assistance?
A: Some departments on campus do have student assistance funds with the Foundation. Each fund has a specific purpose and each candidate will be asked to complete an application. Please contact the specific department directly to discuss your circumstance to determine if they have an application for student assistance funds.
- LCC offers many resources for students who need assistance with daily needs. Please see our Daily Living Support page for more information. LCC's Community Advocacy and Resource Education center (CARE) can also assist you if you're experiencing challenges with access to food, housing, healthcare, childcare, or other basic need emergencies. Please visit the CARE team in the Career Pathways department to meet with a coach during drop in hours.
- Black Minds Matter Student Assistance Fund
- Dreams Fund - Career Pathways / Pass Lane
- Extended Learning Assistance Fund - Extended Learning Programs
- English As A Second Language (ESL) Scholarships - Pays for one ESL class for new and returning students; read their criteria to see if you are eligible to apply.
- GED Scholarships - Apply for these scholarships if you complete your GED tests after the Foundation's regular March application deadline.
- Gender Equity Center Emergency Support Fund - Gender Equity Center
- High School Connections Student Assistance Fund - High School Connections Program
- International Student Assistance Fund - International Student Program
- Learning Communities Student Assistance Fund - Arts and Humanities
- Momentum Scholarship - For students who successfully complete two math or two writing courses or CTE program level math & writing courses.
- Native American Student Assistance Fund - Multicultural Center
- Puertas Abiertas Student Assistance Fund - Multicultural Center
- Study Abroad Student Assistance Fund - International Student Program
- Welcome Back Scholarship - For degree-seeking students who stopped attending Lane in Spring '24 or earlier.
The City of Eugene Social Services may also be able to help you. Please see this detailed list of services including shelter & housing, identification, banking, senior services, pet clinics, medical help, mental health, drug problems, food boxes & pantries, legal aid, Veterans, teens, Latinos, and general services. More information can be found at www.211info.org. This list is available in English and Spanish.
Q: Where can I find information on scholarships offered through the Lane Community College Foundation?
A: See our Scholarship Opportunities page
Q: Does the Foundation charge an assessment or administrative fee on gifts?
A: Yes and No
- Unrestricted gifts made to the College for the area of greatest need are not assessed an administrative fee.
- Administrative fee for gifts to current spendable funds: One-time 7% fee
- Administrative fee for gifts to endowment and/or capital projects: One-time 7% fee
- Annual management fee for endowed funds: 2% of the market value of the endowment
Q: Why does the LCC Foundation have an administrative fee?
A: The administrative fee allows the LCC Foundation to reduce its reliance on direct funding for its operations from Lane Community College, thus freeing College funds for education. Administrative fee revenue is directly related to the LCC Foundation's cost of doing business. Effective fundraising requires deployment of financial resources to cover direct costs of soliciting, processing, and accounting for donated funds. The fee also covers the administration of the scholarship application, selection and disbursement process. As gifts to benefit Lane Community College increase, the costs of gift receipting, accounting, investment and disbursement increase.
Q: Do other organizations charge administrative fees?
A: In the non-profit sector, best practice standards hold that operating costs in the range of 15-20% are considered to be excellent, assuring that approximately $.80 of every dollar contributed goes to providing direct services. For example, the United Way of Lane County currently charges an administrative fee of 15%. By comparison, $.93 of each dollar you give to the LCC Foundation gets put to work by the College for the specific purpose you choose to support.
Q: How are operations of the LCC Foundation funded?
A: Foundation operations are funded through a combination of revenue from earnings on short-term funds, endowment management fees, real estate/property management income, unrestricted gifts, administrative fees, and direct support from the College.
Q: What is the importance of Lane Community College in our community?
A: Lane provides educational opportunities and training that help individuals enhance the quality of their lives. Lane has a positive impact on the business environment of Lane County. It is the only educational institution in the community that offers professional technical programs in areas such as nursing, diesel technology, welding, dental hygiene or graphic design, as well as providing college transfer classes for students seeking a four-year degree.
Lane is dynamic and forward-looking, focusing on the needs of individuals as they grow, learn, and adapt throughout their lifetimes to the changing demands of occupational competence, responsible citizenship, and personal development. Lane transforms lives through learning.
Q: What is Lane's educational role in our community?
A: Lane Community College is a comprehensive community college whose mission is to provide accessible, high quality, affordable, lifelong education. Created in 1964, Lane offers vocational programs and majors for students wishing to transfer to a four-year school. Lane Community College is a primary source for a broad range of high quality educational and training services:
- Professional technical and lower division college transfer programs
- Employee skill updating, business development and career enhancement
- Foundational academic, language and life skills development
- Lifelong personal development and enrichment
- Cultural and community services
Lane is a bridge on a life-long educational journey - a bridge between education and the community between people's aspirations and their success, between Lane County and the world.