Featured Monthly Scholarships


These scholarships are just a tiny, tiny sampling of the thousands of national scholarships available. Visit our Scholarship Search Sites page to access a comprehensive list of scholarship sites and databases.

March Scholarships


03/01American Agri-Women$1,000Women/Agriculture
03/01Oregon Seed League$VariesUS Resident
03/03The Ford Family Foundation$VariesOregon Resident
03/03OSAC$VariesOregon Resident
03/04The LCC Foundation$VariesVaries
03/05Udall Undergraduate$7,000Native American
03/06Benjamin A Gilman$VariesStudy Abroad
03/06Gilam-McCain$5,000Study Abroad
03/10Ben Selling$VariesGPA3.5 Min
03/15NW Community Scholarship$1,000Member
03/21Chin:Shui Kauen and Allen Chin$1,000Asian/Pacific Islander
03/29Oregon Jewish Community$VariesJewish
03/31Nuts and Bolts$VariesManufacturing
03/31IFDEAF$VariesInteriaor Design
03/31CCA Scholarship$VariesAviation Field

April Scholarships


Due DateDue Date$AwardEligibility
04/01Project Yellow Light$8,000College Student
04/01Audria M Edwards$VariesLGBTQI
04/01MG James Ursano$VariesArmy Under 21
04/04American Indian Fund$VariesNative American
04/15Incight Scholarship$VariesDisability
04/15Pretty Lightroom Presets$500US Resident
04/15BHW Scholarship$3,000Female STEM
04/15Oregon Nurseries Foundation$VariesForestry
04/15Cover Letter Mastery$7503.0+ GPA
04/17Work Ethics (Mike Rowe)$VariesTrades Program
04/21AIGA World Studio$VariesArt Disign Citizen
04/30IWSH Essay Scholarship$2,000Full Time Essay
04/30Digital E Waste$1,000US Resident
04/30Education Matters$5,0003.0 GPA
04/30All About Education Scholarship$3,000US Resident
04/30RentHop's College and University$1,000Full Time