ICAP (Inclusive Career Advancement Program), a program in the Career Pathways department, helps students with disabilities pursue employment and/or training opportunities with coaching and support.
All students in this program receive a dedicated Career Pathways Coach to support them through completion of their program. Career Pathways coaching emphasizes building personal relationships with students that develop over time, allowing coaches to provide support unique to each student's needs. Coaching services include:
- Academic progress monitoring (we help you stay on your plan)
- Internal college resource navigation
- External community resource navigation
- Financial, time management, and personal support plans
- Collaboration with community agencies
Additional Services
- Shared case management and employment services with Vocational Rehabilitation
- Assistance finding and navigating resources and support services
- Vocational Rehabilitation may be able to assist with some of the costs of your training
Eligibility Requirements for ICAP
Participants must:
- have a disability
- be eligible for a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) plan
- be interested in pursuing training and/or education opportunities at LCC
- be committed to ongoing Career Coaching

How do I enroll in ICAP?
- If you’re already in a plan with Vocational Rehabilitation, ask your VR counselor if you might be eligible for ICAP
- If you are not in plan with Vocational Rehabilitation, connect with your local VR office to see if you are eligible to enroll in a plan.
- If you would like to learn more about ICAP, or want to learn about how to apply for VR, complete the Career Pathways Interest Form
Contact Career Pathways
Lane Community College
Career Pathways
Building 4, Room 210
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
Career Pathways
Building 4, Room 210
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
In Person Services: Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 5pm, Fri 8:30am - 2pm
Live Remote Services by appointment: careerpathways@lanecc.edu
Live Remote Services by appointment: careerpathways@lanecc.edu