Community safety, resource sustainability, and land stewardship.
What you’ll earn
Lane's Wildland Fire Management Certificate of Completion will provide you with the skills needed for fire management positions with the Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, private agencies, non-profit organizations, and local community groups.
Certificate of Completion
Courses in the Wildland Fire Management Certificate are designed to prepare the next generation of fire practitioners with the skills and knowledge needed for fire-related jobs enhancing community safety, resource sustainability, and land stewardship. Ecological fire management concepts and techniques will help a broad range of individuals looking for work managing fire fuel loads, wildland fire suppression, and supporting fire agencies as well as individuals looking to develop their understanding and experience with fire.
- Complete training to qualify for an agency “NWCG red card"
- Explore traditional cultural burning practices
- Learn the language of wildland fire behavior
- Characterize and measure forest fuels
- Plan and/or implement prescribed fire using Ecological and Spatial Skills
After completing your Wildland Fire Management Certificate you’ll be prepared to apply for crew or engine modules, prescribed fire modules, and other agency wildland fire positions, or to apply for positions in non-profit conservation organizations with forest, fire, and climate campaigns. Our certificate program focuses on fire ecology and fuels management, including traditional cultural burning practices, making it especially helpful for anyone looking for jobs related to fuels management. Those completing the certificate requirements have opportunities to move up to Squad Boss, Module Leader, Fuels Battalion Chief, Prescribed Fire Specialist, Fuels Program Manager, Fire Management Officer (FMO), Refuge Manager, and similar posts in both the government and private sectors. If you’d like to pursue further education, you’ll also be better prepared to pursue an advanced degree in Fire or Forest Ecology.
Ready to learn more?

Talk one-on-one with a recruiter to learn more about what Lane has to offer you.
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Thursdays, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Fridays, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, open until 5pm during the week before and first week of school.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer