General FAQ
What if I just want to talk to someone and do not want to have the College involved?
If you are seeking someone to support you during this time, but do not want to file a complaint, you should seek out a Confidential Resource (employee) or community resources. At Lane, Confidential Resources include clinicians, counselors, and licensed Health Clinic personnel. Off campus, these people may include licensed mental health providers, medical health provides, and members of the clergy.
These people will provide support and direct individuals to resources as well as describe options students have with regards to reporting. Keep in mind that disclosing only to Confidential employees limits the effective response on the College's part.
In cases in which an individual presents a threat to themselves or others, or the safety of a minor is in question, confidentiality is waived in order to keep people safe.
Who is the Title IX Coordinator and what do they do?
The Title IX Coordinator will be informed of all complaints or reports of violations of this procedure, and oversees the College's centralized response to ensure compliance with Title IX and the 2013 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The Title IX Coordinator's activities include (but are not limited to):
- Communicating with all members of the College community regarding Title IX and VAWA, and providing information about how individuals may access their rights;
- Reviewing applicable College policies and procedures to ensure institutional compliance with Title IX and VAWA;
- Monitoring the College's administration of its own applicable policies and procedures, including record keeping, timeframes, and other procedural requirements;
- Coordinating training regarding Title IX, VAWA, and prohibited conduct defined in this procedure; and
- Responding to any complaint or report regarding conduct that violates this procedure. In this capacity, the Title IX Coordinator oversees the investigation and resolution of such alleged misconduct, directs the provision of any remedial measures, and monitors the administration of any related appeal.
The Title IX Coordinator may delegate responsibilities under this procedure to designated administrators, who will be appropriately trained.
The College's Title IX Coordinator's contact information is listed on the main Sexual Respect page.
While going through the reporting process, can the College do anything to keep me safe or stop the unwelcomed behavior?
The Title IX Coordinator may implement interim measures that may include but are not limited to:
- on-campus counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment
- assistance accessing community and college resources that provide:
- medical care
- forensic exams
- individual safety planning
- counseling
- advocacy throughout the complaint resolution process
- legal advocacy
- emergency shelter/housing
- no contact directives to both parties
- class section/schedule changes, including the ability to withdraw from a course
- rescheduling of exams, projects and assignments
- alternative course completion options
- changes to work schedules, job assignments, or job locations for college employment
- academic support services such as tutoring
- limiting or barring an individual’s access to certain college-owned facilities or activities
- working with Public Safety staff to develop a safety plan, which may include a personal escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities
- leaves of absence
What if I am afraid of retaliation?
Retaliation against the complainant (the person who filed a report, or who is the recipient of the unwelcome behavior) or anyone who participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a report of sexual misconduct is expressly forbidden. An individual who is subjected to retaliation (e.g. threats, intimidation, reprisals, damage to one's reputation, or adverse employment or educational actions) is encouraged to make a report of retaliation. Retaliation claims should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible through the complaint link.
Student Frequently Asked Questions
I’m a student-employee at Lane Community College; do I have to take both “Not Anymore” and “SafeColleges” Title IX trainings?
Yes, keep in mind that per the Sexual Misconduct procedures, all faculty and staff, including student employees, are required to report allegations of sexual assault, and the employee version of the training can help you fulfill your obligation. This training will help you to learn about issues such as sexual misconduct, sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking and harassment well as equip you with the information you need to care for yourself and others.
Is the training ADA accessible?
Yes. The training is compatible with recent versions of screen reading, screen enlargement and voice input software. If you have any difficulty accessing the course with your adaptive software, please contact the Center for Accessible Resources (CAR) at (541) 463-5150 or
Why sexual assault is such an important topic on college campuses?
Sexual violence can be a difficult issues to discuss, but is a critical issue that college campuses are facing across the nation. It is important to complete the Not Anymore training as it provides students with the knowledge to better understand topics surrounding sexual violence prevention, such as consent, bystander intervention, the realities of sexual assault, healthy relationships, and more.
I am no longer a student at LCC or I am taking online only classes. Do I need to complete the training?
If you are not registered for classes this term or you are taking online classes, however you feel as if you may return to the LCC campus in the future, it is a good idea to complete this training. This is a mandatory training and not completing it may affect your ability to register in the future.
I never received an email about completing this training, but I received an email notifying me that I did not complete the “Not Anymore” training and need to do so immediately. Why is this?
Emails go out to new LCC students during week 3 of each term. A reminder goes out in week 8 of the term to students that have not completed it. The email is sent using the email address in your myLane account. This email may have gone to your Spam folder so you may check this first.If you are still having trouble finding the email please contact Title IX at or call 541-463-5930.
I am a faculty/staff member who is getting questions from students about this training. What support can I offer them?
As a faculty/staff member it is important to remind students that this training is required. There is support available to them if they feel they need it, however the training must be completed. If they are upset about the topic or this brings up feelings for them please refer them to or 541-463-5930 so that we can offer them support and resources. There are also additional resources on the Sexual Respect Resources webpage.
How long will it take for me to complete the training?
Approximately 40-50 minutes, some students may take longer.
When do I need to complete this training?
Please complete the training immediately. It is due at the end of each term.
Is this training mandatory?
Yes, Federal laws (Title IX, Clery Act and the Campus SaVE Act) have mandated that the college provide students with the critical safety information in the module. To fulfill the federal requirement, LCC is requiring all students to complete the “Not Anymore” training.
What will happen if I don't complete the training?
LCC requires all new credit students complete the training. At the end of the term LCC will determine the consequences for those students who do not complete the training.
Will I receive credits or a grade for completing this training?
No. The system will provide you with a certificate we encourage you to keep for your records.
Are students who take online courses required to complete this training?
Yes, all new LCC students need to complete this training.
If I have previously completed this training or a similar training am I still required to complete this training?
Yes. We appreciate that you may have completed a similar training at another institution, however this is a college required training for all new students to complete. We also want to ensure you have the most updated information in current training.
Why do I have to complete this training?
It is important to complete as the Not Anymore training provides students with the knowledge to better understand topics surrounding sexual violence prevention, such as consent, bystander intervention, the realities of sexual assault, healthy relationships, and more. Federal and state mandates required that the college provide this training to new students.
If I find this topic emotionally upsetting or uncomfortable am I required to complete this training?
We understand that some of the issues in the training may be sensitive. If you would like to speak with someone about this training please email or call 541-463-5930.
What if I don’t have access to a computer or internet?
The College has computers with internet access for students to utilize. See Library hours.