Steps to Enroll at Lane Child & Family Center:

  1. Take a tour of the center, call (541) 463-5517 to schedule a tour & get on our waiting list.
  2. Pay registration fee, $100.00 non-refundable registration fee is due on the day of registration.
  3. Submit completed enrollment paperwork to Child Care Office prior to child's first day.
  4. Complete new parent orientation by viewing the Parent Orientation.
  5. Make sure child's immunization records are up-to-date.


Childcare Funding Resources:

parent and child at little library

Preschool Promise at LCFC

We have 2 Preschool Promise classrooms. One located at main campus and the other located at the Downtown LCC campus.

Preschool Promise is a free, full-time preschool option for Lane County kids ages 3 and 4.

  • Preschool Promise offers culturally relevant early child care and education programs.

  • Programs are in a wide variety of settings across Lane County, including home-based, center-based, and school-based care.

  • All preschools offer hours comparable to full-day kindergarten and provide supplies and meals.

  • School days, hours of operation and availability of transportation vary between preschools. Families are able to apply for whichever program meets their needs best.