For Additional Resources, contact the Gender Equity Center: (541) 463-5353
Hope and Safety Alliance
Provides shelter and services for abused women and their children.
- 1577 Pearl Street, 2nd Floor, Eugene, OR 97401
- Office: 541-485-8232
- Open: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
- 24-hour Crisis Line: 541-485-6513 or 800-281-2800
Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)
SASS offers crisis intervention, advocacy, peer counseling and emotional support.
24-hour Crisis/Information Phone Lines:
Eugene - (541) 343-7277
Dispatch - (800) 788-4727
Business Phone: (541) 484-9791 (V/TDD)
Office/Drop-In Center:
591 West 19th Ave. (corner of 19th and Jefferson)
Eugene, OR 97401
Drop-in Hours:
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Tuesday-Thursday
National DV Hotline
The National DV (Domestic Violence) Hotline is a National resource for abused women and children. Spanish speakers welcome.
24-Hour Crisis/Information Phone Lines:
Dispatch - (800) 799-7233
(800) 787-3224 (TTY)