Explore Lane with a tuition-free course

Save on Tuition!

One course, one term, and you only pay fees! Lane will pay the tuition.

Get a jump start on your education at Lane Community College! Choose any course. We'll cover tuition; you cover the fees. For a 4-credit course, that’s at least 70% savings!

Eligibility requirements

To qualify you must be a...

  • Oregon high school graduate or GED recipient
  • Graduation year is 2025 or 2026  (any month)

Your choice

  • Any class in spring or summer term of 2025 (not both)
  • Only one course,  any discipline, max 5 credits will be paid for

Your responsibilities 

How to save more money

  • In the class schedule, look for the ~ symbol that indicates a course uses Open Educational Resources or low-cost textbooks.
  • Online classes fees are less than in-person class fees.
  • Class of 2026 - take a course this year and next spring or summer!

Lane responsibilities

  • We will pay the tuition for one course! We will post the tuition payment during week 2 or 3 on your myLane student account.

2025 Deadlines

Registration or a schedule change must be made in myLane by you, by 11:59 pm on the following dates:

Ready to get started?

Please select your graduating class for your next steps. If you think you have completed some of these steps but aren’t sure what else you need to do, email Brenda Williams at williamsb@lanecc.edu! Or call 541-463-3443.

Class of 2025 - Your Steps to Enroll

We recommend you bookmark this webpage and open links in a new tab. Please read thoroughly and ask questions along the way, email Lane's Early College Advisor, Brenda, at williamsb@lanecc.edu! Or call 541-463-3443.


The free Earn a Degree application will give your Lane student email and your student ID (L Number).

If you:

  1. Already have both of these- please skip to the next step.
  2. Have an L Number from College Now, you must submit the Earn a Degree application to take part in the one-course Tuition Waiver. Your L Number and myLane password will stay the same.
    • Not sure if you have the right application or what email you used through the admissions portal, email Brenda Williams, williamsb@lanecc.edu.

Application Tips:

  1. Select “ Earn a Degree application”: This is the right application for the One Course Tuition Waiver.
  2. Social Security Number: While including your social security number is optional, if you plan to apply for financial aid (FAFSA) or Oregon Promise, you'll want to provide it now.

What happens after you submit your application

  1. Within one to three business days, you’ll receive your L Number and a myLane temporary password/Next Steps email. Check your spam folder.
  2. Update your myLane password. This will be your password for myLane, Moodle and your Lane student email address
  3. You will need to set up myLane security questions
  4. Make sure you wrote down your my.lanecc.edu Gmail account and start to use it in the Gmail app

Complete Online Application

If you are 17 or younger at the time of admissions, an under 18 form is required before registration.

After you and a parent sign it, take a picture of it, and submit the picture to StudentRecords@lanecc.edu

It is required to be turned in before you can register.

Complete Under 18 Form

Course Placement is required for students taking math, writing, or courses with math and writing prerequisites.

Writing placement: Most HS seniors use their HS GPA  to determine writing placement. You will also be able to use writing scores and courses through College Now courses, AP, or IB scores, Smarter Balance scores, or an online placement exam.

Math placement: Email Brenda Williams, what college major you are interested in and she will tell you if you need a math test. 

Complete your Course Level Placement

If you are using this one-course tuition waiver after you graduate HS, please check with your financial aid office or any scholarship lender to see how this tuition discount will impact your 25-26 aid.

Lane's Financial Aid Office

Our catalog will help you determine an appropriate course for your one-course Tuition Waiver.  It depends on your program of study. Brenda Williams, our Early College advisor, will answer any questions about the suggested classes.  

Email her your college major interest at williamsb@lanecc.edu if you have questions. 


Learn and Save More at Lane!

Another option is to enroll in our completely $0 cost course, RTEC 101 Gateway to College and Careers. This is a 100% free course for HS students coming to Lane. Learn the tips and tricks to succeeding in college and keeping your financial aid.  Take this course along with your tuition-free course. 

Next Steps!

Students register themselves in myLane.  How to Register Videos

Find out what happens after you register for classes.  HS Students Resources



Class of 2026 - Your Steps to Enroll

We recommend you bookmark this webpage and open links in a new tab. Please read thoroughly and ask questions along the way, email Lane's Early College Advisor, Brenda, at williamsb@lanecc.edu! Or call 541-463-3443.

The free Earn a Degree application will give your Lane student email and your student ID (L Number).

If you:

  1. Already have both of these- please skip to the next step.
  2. Have an L Number from College Now, you must submit the Earn a Degree application to take part in the one-course Tuition Waiver. Your L Number and myLane password will stay the same.
    • Not sure if you have the right application or what email you used through the admissions portal, email Brenda Williams, williamsb@lanecc.edu.

Application Tips:

  1. Select “ Earn a Degree application”: This is the right application for the one-course Tuition Waiver program.
  2. Social Security Number: While including your social security number is optional, if you plan to apply for financial aid (FAFSA) or Oregon Promise in the future, you'll want to provide it.

What happens after you submit your application

  1. Within one to three business days, you’ll receive your L Number and a myLane temporary password/Next Steps email. Check your spam folder.
  2. Update your myLane password. This will be your password for myLane, Moodle and your Lane student email address
  3. You will need to set up myLane security questions
  4. Make sure you wrote down your my.lanecc.edu Gmail account and start to use it in the Gmail app

Complete Online Application

If you are 17 or younger at the time of admissions, an under 18 form is required before registration.

After you and a parent sign it, take a picture of it, and submit the picture to StudentRecords@lanecc.edu

It is required to be turned in before you can register.

Complete Under 18 Form

If you do not want to register for math or writing, you can skip this step.

If you plan to take math or writing as part of the one-course Tuition Waiver, please read carefully. 

Course Placement is required for students taking math, writing, or courses with math and writing prerequisites.

Writing placement: HS juniors can use writing scores or courses through College Now writing courses, AP, or IB scores, Smarter Balance scores, or an online placement exam.

Math placement: Email Brenda Williams, what college major you are interested in and she will tell you if you need a math test.   williamsb@lanecc.edu


Complete your Course Level Placement

Our catalog will help you determine an appropriate course for your one-course Tuition Waiver. It depends on your program of study. Brenda Williams, our Early College advisor, will answer any questions about the suggested classes.  

Email her your college major interest at williamsb@lanecc.edu if you have questions. 


Learn and Save More at Lane!

Another option is to enroll in our completely $0 cost course, RTEC 101 Gateway to College and Careers. This is a 100% free course for HS students coming to Lane. Learn the tips and tricks to succeeding in college and keeping your financial aid.  Take it with your tuition-free course. 

Next Steps!

Students register themselves in myLane.  How to Register Videos

Find out what happens after you register for classes.  HS Students Resources


Contact us to learn more!

What term do you want to take your tuition-free course?