Media Arts Equipment Check Out Policy


The Media Arts Equipment Checkout (ECO) provides students with access to equipment for use in class assignments. Initially, access will be limited to a small selection of gear, with more advanced equipment becoming available as students progress through their courses. By the time students near the end of their program, they will have access to all necessary tools for completing their capstone projects.

Hours of Operation 

ECO hours are subject to change each term to align with course schedules. ECO is closed on weekends, college-observed holidays, days the college is closed to the public, and during term breaks and summer sessions.

Eligibility & Checkout

  • Eligibility: Students enrolled in Media Arts courses that include the "Media Arts Fee" may be eligible to check out equipment if required by their course. 
  • Checkout Duration: Equipment can be checked out for 7 calendar days. 
  • Advanced Permissions: As students progress in their studies, instructors may grant additional equipment access.


Students are responsible for ensuring all equipment is present and in working order at the time of checkout and return.

Equipment Reservations

  • Making Reservations: Students can make equipment reservations in person during checkout hours or via in-house software after their student account is set up. 
  • First-Come, First-Serve: Reservations are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. 
  • Cancellations: To cancel a reservation, students must notify ECO via email at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to pick up reserved equipment may result in suspension of checkout privileges.

Extension Requests

  • Requests: Extensions may be requested for the equipment currently checked out, but this does not guarantee approval. If the equipment is reserved by another student, the extension will be denied. 
  • Limitations: Only one extension per checkout is allowed. Short-term extensions may be granted for delays beyond the student's control (e.g., public transit delays), but such requests must be made before the equipment is considered late. 
  • Final Due Date: Each term will have a final equipment return deadline, which is non-negotiable. Failure to return equipment by this date will result in a late violation.

Equipment Returns

  • Return Conditions: Equipment must be returned in its entirety, in fully operational condition, clean, and undamaged. 
  • Inventory List: An inventory list accompanies each item. Loss of the list incurs a $5.00 replacement fee. 
  • Return Grace Period: A 24-hour grace period may be allowed for finding and returning missing equipment or components.

Late Returns & Violations

  • Late Equipment: Any equipment not returned by the agreed-upon time will be considered late. ECO will notify the student via email or phone, and the violation will be recorded. 
  • Missing Components: If any component is missing when equipment is returned, the missing item must be returned within 24 hours of the original return time. Failure to do so will be considered a violation, and the student may be held responsible for the cost of replacement.

Penalties for Late Returns

  • First Violation: Warning 
  • Subsequent Violations: $25 fine for each violation within the same term. An additional $25 fine will be applied for every 7 calendar days the equipment remains overdue. 
  • Outstanding Fines: Full payment is due and payable at the time the fines are charged to the student's billing account. See the College’s Billing policies for information regarding the penalties for non-payment of a student bill. 

ECO Probation

  • Probation: Students who do not return equipment on time, abuse equipment, or violate any policies may be placed on probation for the remainder of the term. 
  • Suspension: Any policy violation while on probation will result in the suspension of ECO privileges for the rest of the term or longer. 
  • Repeated Violations: A second probation may lead to a suspension of ECO privileges indefinitely.

Financial Penalties: Theft, Loss, or Damage

  • Responsibility: The student who reserves the equipment is responsible for its condition, including any damage or loss. 
  • Damaged Equipment: Equipment returned in a damaged condition will be assessed, and the student will be responsible for repair or replacement costs, whichever is less. 
  • Lost Equipment: If equipment is lost while in the student’s possession, the student may be held liable for the full cost of replacement. 
  • Stolen Equipment: If equipment is stolen while in a student's possession, the student may be held liable for the full replacement cost. In such cases, the student should file a police report, notify their insurance provider (if applicable), and Inform our office immediately.  Our office will then report the theft to Lane’s Public Safety and Risk Management Offices, who may contact the student for further details.
  • Unpaid Costs: Full payment is due and payable at the time the penalty is charged to the student's billing account. See the College’s Billing policies for information regarding the penalties for non-payment of a student bill.  

Entry into Equipment Rooms

  • Access: Students are not allowed to enter the equipment checkout room(s) unless instructed by ECO staff. 
  • Penalties for Violations: Repeated violations may result in temporary or permanent suspension of checkout privileges.


By creating a reservation and/or checking out equipment, students acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by this policy.


How to Check Out Equipment

Email us if you have any questions: