Education for Students

Required Student Training, “Not Anymore” Online Interactive Program through the Vector Solutions Safety Training System

All new credited students are required to complete the Not Anymore (through the Vector Solutions Safety Training System) sexual respect training. Students received the following communication from the college, which discusses the required training:

The Not Anymore training provides students with the knowledge to better understand topics surrounding sexual violence prevention, such as consent, bystander intervention, the realities of sexual assault, healthy relationships, and more.

For more information about Not Anymore visit the Not Anymore website.

If students have questions about this training they can email or call 541-463-5930.

Information Regarding Title IX

Students can view the TItle IX Guide that goes into detail regarding what Title IX is, what the Title IX process is, and further education on sexual respect and resources. 

Student Training Presentations

The following presentations were given to the 2021-2022 LCC athletic teams:

Title IX/Sexual Harassment, Hazing, and Academics: These three areas are some of the most-likely issues students will face as a member of an athletic team (as well as a student). The presentation covers what Title IX is, what sexual harassment is, and what athlete’s responsibilities are to not participate in such behavior, intervene, and report. Consent, the confidentiality of reporting, and resources are also covered. The presentation also defines hazing and shows examples for the purpose of the athletes to be able to recognize, intervene, and report. And finally, basic information about how to practice academic integrity and why it is important.

The presentation has been given to the following teams:

  • August 18, 2020, 3 pm: Men and Women’s Cross Country
  • September 17, 2020, 1 pm: Women’s Basketball
  • September 17, 2020, 2 pm: Men’s Basketball
  • September 21, 2020, 1 pm: Women’s Soccer
  • September 21, 2020, 2 pm: Men’s Soccer
  • September 22, 2020, 1 pm: Women’s Volleyball
  • September 22, 2020, 2 pm: Men’s Baseball
  • September 28, 2020, 1 pm: Women’s Track and Field
  • September 28, 2020, 2 pm: Men’s Track and Field