evening photo of Center building

Tuition, Fees, and Payments

At Lane, charges include:

When you have registered for classes, your charges will appear on the myFinances page in ExpressLane. Credit Level Students do not receive paper bills, unless you have "opted" individually to have one sent. Students admitted as noncredit/continuing education students will be mailed paper statements, to the most recent address LCC has on file, unless they opt to receive email reminders.

Due Dates: Payment for your tuition and fees for each term is due the 15th after the term starts. Any unpaid balance will be subject to a 2% late fee the next day. Billing will then cycle monthly, with an additional 2% late fee after the 15th of each month.

It is expected that your current charges will be paid before the end of each term. Non-payment of any current term charges may result in dropping of your next term's classes.

Other deadlines can affect Registration and Transcripts: Because Lane Community College also runs on an academic year, with four distinct academic quarters, there may be other deadlines that apply which relate to parts of the term you are in, for example:

How to check your bill:

To view your account, login to ExpressLane. Your account balance is displayed on the upper right of the home screen.  You will find more detailed information on the "myFinances" tab.

Payment methods:


  • Online
    via ExpressLane with a web check, savings account, credit card or debit card.  All transactions are handled through a highly secure payment system, TouchNet.
  • Payment Plans
    Lane Community College offers interest free payment plans for current charges. You may set this up at the beginning of each term in the online payment system. There is a $25 fee, but no late fees. Payments are divided into 3 or 5 equal payments  during the term, by ACH transfer.
  • By Mail
    send checks to:
    Lane Community College/Bursar
    PO Box 50850
    Eugene, OR 97405-0999
  • In Person
    You can pay in person at the Student Accounts/Bursar's Office on the first floor of Building 1. We accept: cashier's checks, personal checks, money orders, or cash.
  • International Students
    Via LCCFlywire.com.  Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.

          Now offering TransferMate for International Students to use through the TouchNet payment system. Log into your ExpressLane to access. Also, here is a link to video instructions on how to use.

Parents, spouses, employers and others:

Past Due collections accounts:

If you have an account that is at collections, payment may only be made through the collection agency, not at LCC directly. You can find contact information in your myLane account when you attempt to pay online.

See the Collection Accounts information page.

Statement of nondiscrimination in our financial assistance programs:

Lane Community College is committed to nondiscrimination in our financial assistance programs, in compliance with federal anti-discrimination laws, including the petitions for exceptions to the refund process. Carl Yeh, Center for Accessible Resources, (541) 463-5150 is the ADA Compliance Officer for students and is the designated employee who is responsible for addressing student's questions and concerns regarding disability discrimination.

See Lane's full Nondiscrimination Statement.

Contact Enrollment Services

Building 1, LCC main campus, lit up in the early morning before sunrise
Building 1
4000 E 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
The first week of school and the week before: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Rest of term: 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer.