Understand what it means to be human.
What you’ll earn
The anthropology transfer interest area at Lane can help prepare you to transfer to a four year institution to work toward a career in anthropology. Once enrolled, you’ll work with your advisor to build a degree plan specific to your goals.
Transfer Interest Area
Begin your study of anthropology at Lane Community College and transfer to earn your four year degree with the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree. While fulfilling many general education course requirements for your bachelor's degree, Lane gives you the opportunity to take classes exploring where humans came from and how we evolved into the tapestry of people we are today.
Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. The discipline is divided into four main subfields: biological/physical anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics. Taken together, these areas of study help us better understand what it means to be human. By focusing on Anthropology, you’ll study human life and cultures, from the earliest days on the planet until now. You’ll be prepared to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds, as well as understand the roles ethnicity, language, and culture play in how humans interact with each other.
- Understand lifeways of the prehistoric and historical past and connect them to social and environmental challenges that humans face in the contemporary world.
- Distinguish the various approaches to evidence gathering and analysis within the four major subfields of anthropology, including theoretical approaches and the scientific method.
- Acknowledge the diversity of past and present human experiences and behaviors through a culturally relativistic (non-ethnocentric) lens.
- Identify and reflect on ways in which biology and the environment shape culture, and vice versa.
An Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree with a focus in anthropology will provide you with credits that will transfer to leading four year institutions for more in-depth study. The AAOT offers you the flexibility to choose courses that interest you while meeting university lower division general education requirements.
Faculty Spotlights

Marge Helzer
Faculty Member

Melissa Artstein-McNassar
Faculty Member
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Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Thursdays, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Fridays, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, open until 5pm during the week before and first week of school.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer