Student elections for the 2025-2026 academic year
Important Dates
- March 4-April 11 -- Candidate application form is open. Student Life & Leadership will verify applicant eligibility. Verified applicants are required to meet with the Director of Student Life and Leadership.
- April 14-18 -- Mandatory candidate orientation. Date, time, and location to be announced.
- April 21-May 1 -- Campaigning open
- April 24, 1:30-3:00 pm -- Student Election Mixer in the Center Atrium (Center Bldg, 2nd Floor)
- April 30, 3:30-4:30 pm -- Hybrid debates, Building 19 Auditorium and Zoom
- April 28-May 2, 2025 until 11:59 pm -- Voting is open via Moodle to all students who pay the student activity fee.
To be eligible to vote you must be taking an in-person credit class on the main campus and have paid the mandatory student activity fee. Voting information will be emailed to all eligible students; check your email regularly. - May 6, 2025 -- Election results are announced in the Titan Times, the weekly student newsletter.
- All newly elected students will begin required training in May.
- SGA member will be required to attend training sessions and a retreat during Summer.
Lane Student Government Association Elections
The Lane SGA general elections includes eight senate seats and the executive team, President and Vice President. The President and Vice President must run as a ticket. Each senator has a specific role on the team. All positions include a stipend.
Student Activity Fee Committee Elections
The SAFC helps to make the process of disbursement and allocation of the mandatory Student Activity Fee more equitable and student-involved. The purpose of the fee is to support student-initiated programs, defined as co-curricular programs, services, and/or organizations that are deemed by the Board of Education to be of value to one or more student communities of interest.
The membership of the SAFC consists of:
- An elected student who serves as an elected non-voting chair;
- The Director of Student Life and Leadership, who serves as non-voting advisor;
- 4 at-large student representatives elected through the annual Lane SGA elections process;
- 2 student representatives from the Lane Student Government Association;
- 2 student representatives selected by and from the student identity unions: APISU, BSU, GSA, MEChA, and NASA;
- 2 student representatives selected from other fee-receiving groups;
- 1 student representative selected by the Council of Clubs.
All voting seats on the SAFC will be held by students. The Committee shall meet at least once per term. The elections for the four (4) at-large student representatives and the SAFC Chair happen concurrently with the Lane SGA General Election.
Elections information for Candidates
Elected Positions
Only students who meet the qualifications as outlined in the candidate orientation may be listed on the ballot for election. Write-in candidates must still meet the same qualifications in order to hold office. These positions are elected by student vote:
Lane Student Government Association
- President and Vice-President (must run on the same ticket)
- Senators (8 at-large)
View Lane SGA position descriptions.
Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC)
- SAFC Chair (non-voting position)
- SAFC Student Representatives (4 at-large)
View SAFC COPPS Policy outlining membership.
Qualifications for all Elected Positions
- All candidates must be enrolled in an in-person credit class on the LCC main campus and have paid the student activity fee during the term they are a candidate by the application deadline.
- Executive Seat: Campaign candidates must meet these eligibility requirements in order to be a candidate:
- Have completed at least two (2) terms of classes at the LCC main campus prior to applying for candidacy.
- Have completed a minimum of 18 credit hours within the previous three terms at LCC,
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.75,
- Have and maintain satisfactory academic progress (see Academic Progress Standards and Satisfactory Academic Progress)
- Have completed a minimum of 33% of their credits required towards completion of their degree or certificate program at LCC.
- Have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and be paying the Student Activity Fee while in office.
- Senator Seat: Campaign candidates must meet these eligibility requirements in order to be a candidate:
- Have completed twelve (12) credits successfully before the term.
- Have and maintain good standing in APS.
- Have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher, and be paying the Student Activity Fee while attending LCC’s Main Campus.
- All students elected to Lane SGA office shall be required to:
- Enroll in credit classes on the LCC main campus.
- Complete at least six credit hours each term at LCC. Credits recorded as audit or as "no pass" do not count as completed credits.
- Maintain a 2.75 term GPA.
- No member of Lane SGA shall simultaneously hold more than one office under this Constitution. No member can run for more than one office.
- No member of Lane SGA shall be in the same executive office for more than two (2) consecutive years.
- All positions receive a stipend. Restrictions apply to receiving and maintaining stipends, based upon satisfactory academic progress and engagement.
Election Rules
- No person shall vote more than once in any one election.
- No campaigning shall occur before the candidates’ orientation (information session) or before the start date of the campaigning period.
- All candidates for office, including write-in candidates, are bound by these election rules.
- It is the responsibility of the candidate to be familiar and comply with these election rules and all sections of the Lane SGA Constitution and By-laws. Failure to do so may be grounds for disqualification or a suspension period determined and implemented from the elections committee.
- Violations of these rules by elections workers or campaign volunteers may be grounds for invalidation of election results and a new election may be called.
- All questions, complaints, and concerns regarding the Lane SGA and SAFC election process and voting procedure must be emailed to Student Life and Leadership,, prior to the close of voting. The Director of Student Life and Leadership will review and decide on all complaints.
- All decisions by the Director of Student Life and Leadership regarding any elections complaints are final.
- Candidates may not conduct any voting during their campaigns or at their campaign tables.
- Electronic voting shall be available for at least three (3) consecutive days via Moodle.
Results and Ballot Counts
If nine (9) or more students run for the eight (8) open Senator positions, a plurality vote shall decide the election.
If nine (9) or more students run for the eight (8) open Senator positions, a minimum number of votes must be reached to be elected. The number needed is equal to .1% of the current Lane Student Government Association membership, rounding down.
If nine (9) or more students run for the eight (8) open Senator positions and at least two (2) candidates tie in the number of votes received, the Elections Committee will ask if any of the impacted candidates wish to concede. All impacted candidates must be present when the question is asked. If more than one (1) candidate is unwilling to concede, none of the impacted candidates will get the seat.
For more information contact
Student Life and Leadership