Lane Community College serves the coastal communities of Lane County at our Florence Center, where you'll find courses and support to help you on your educational journey. The campus offers both credit and noncredit courses.
Placement testing at the Florence Center is not available at this time. Students may prepare for the placement tests online. Prepare for math placement tests by refreshing your skills: Math review sheets and resources available. Proctored testing is available by appointment only. Please call (541) 997-8444.
Credit Classes
At this time, all credit courses at the Florence Center are offered remotely.
View the online class schedule
Lane Community College offers thousands of credit classes each year in 80 different disciplines and program areas. Students can take college transfer courses or classes specific to a particular program such as nursing.
Interested in taking credit classes?
Complete the online Credit Application. You must have an email address before completing the online application.
Noncredit Courses
Florence Center offers an assortment of noncredit, life-long learning opportunities that promote career advancement, economic development, personal enrichment and cultural well-being of our students and community.
Tuition Discount
A tuition discount will be given to students 60 years or better for many of the noncredit classes offered. The discount applies only to tuition, not to class fees. Look for the senior tuition on classes throughout the schedule. (The discount does not apply to all noncredit classes.)
Resource Fee
In addition to the tuition and individual class fees, the college assesses a one-time per term $10 Resource Fee to defray operational costs. This fee is assessed regardless of the number of classes taken. Courses listed as "Free" are not subject to this fee.