Looking to enhance your program with unique training opportunities or business support? Check out our Special Programs below to see what Quality Care Connections currently offers.

CATCH Early Childhood

Pyramid Model

Focused Child Care Networks

Conscious Discipline

Fast Track

Business Accelerator

Reflective Mentorship
CATCH Early Childhood
Check our training schedule to join a CATCH Early Childhood training or cohort. The training is free and all participants will receive:
- Training in CATCH Early Childhood
- Curriculum and materials to support the implementation of CATCH Early Childhood activities - $500 value!
- Follow-up opportunities to connect with other CATCH providers across the county
- On-site support for implementation
Check our training listings to catch the opportunity to join the fun!
Visit CATCH.org to learn more about the CATCH program.
Already Participated in CATCH?
Follow up coaching and support is available. We can lead an activity with you, set goals to encourage implementation, problem solve getting children engaged with CATCH activities, and more! Note: Our current CATCH trainers provide support in English only.
- Audrey Sherman (All-County support in English): (541) 463-3308 / shermana@lanecc.edu
- Barb Arena-Crandall (Preschool Promise support in English): (541) 463-5527 / arenacrandallb@lanecc.edu
Pyramid Model
- Check for upcoming trainings on our website or statewide training through ELSI's Oregon Inclusion Initiative.
- Learn more about the Pyramid Model through the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovation (NCMPI).
Focused Child Care Networks
Participants will receive:
- Free monthly training
- Participation funds
- Support from Quality Improvement Specialists
- And more!
Current Networks:
- Infant Toddler Mental Health Network
We are planning an upcoming cohort, check back soon for more information!
Conscious Discipline
Are you looking for ways to reduce challenging behaviors and build connections? This training is for you! This training will introduce you to the powers and skills of Conscious Discipline through presentation, discussion and activities to begin building The School Family. You will learn how to begin the adult mindset shift of viewing discipline not as something we do to children, but as something we develop within them.
Check our training calendar for upcoming dates.
Fast Track
Interested in working in child care? Need support in meeting the initial requirements? Schedule a time to come into the Quality Care Connections office for access to a computer and staff to support you in completing your initial requirements and trainings.
qualitycareconnections@lanecc.edu / (541) 463-3300
Business Accelerator Program
Visit our Business Accelerator web page.
Reflective Mentorship Program
Support for Early Childhood Educators
Quality Care Connections is excited to offer the Reflective Mentorship Program, a unique opportunity for early childhood educators to engage in collaborative consultation designed to enhance well-being, reduce stress, and strengthen social-emotional learning in the classroom. Through this individualized mentorship experience, participants will receive one-on-one support to reflect on their teaching practices, explore creative strategies, and access tailored resources. The program alternates between reflective consultation sessions and classroom visits, ensuring a balance of guided reflection and real-time support.
Program Benefits:
- $1,000 incentive for participation
- Resources to strengthen social-emotional learning in your classroom
- Personalized support tailored to your needs
- Strategies to prevent burnout and enhance self-care
Who Can Apply?
Early childhood educators in Lane County who:
Work with children 4 or more hours per day
Are interested in reflective consultation and classroom support
Want to explore new strategies for managing stress and supporting children’s emotional growth
We prioritize bicultural providers who are at risk of burnout and/or who serve children at risk of suspension or expulsion and those working in full-day programs.
How to Apply:
Applications are available here: https://tinyurl.com/reflectivementorship
For questions or to express interest, contact our Early Learning Social Emotional Coaches, Jaime Ciecalone at ciecalonej@lanecc.edu, or Rachel Turner at turnerr@lanecc.edu.