employers and prospective employees at a job fair

Job Fair

Whether you're a current student, alum, or community member, come connect with local and regional employers!

The 2025 Job Fair is on Thursday, May 15 from 1-5 p.m., with employer check-in and lunch starting at 11:30.

top view of people working at a table together

For Job Seekers

Connect with local and regional employers who are hiring for full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions!

There's no need to register, just show up! Join us in the lobby of Building 19 (see campus map). Parking is free!

Be sure to:

  • Dress professionally
  • Bring copies of your resume
  • Develop a list of questions for employers
  • Create and practice your "elevator pitch" (your 15-second introduction!)
  • Research participating employees below and make a list of who you want to talk to. (We will post the employer list in April and update frequently!)


two students collaborate on an assignment, one points to a laptop

For Employers

Download, complete, and send us the Registration and Invoice Form.

To pay by credit card, use this link.

Questions? Contact Kathy Campbell, campbellk@lanecc.edu.

Gold Sponsors

Check back soon!

Silver Sponsors

Coming soon!