ABSE Standard Hero

GED Preparation

GED logo

You want to get your GED? Great idea! This is your road to college and job training. Did you know that - with very limited exceptions - to be eligible for federal financial aid, you must have a GED or high school diploma?

We can help you prepare so you can pass the GED tests and earn your GED by providing study courses and guidance.

All GED tests are scheduled through GED.com and taken on computer in a test center or through an online proctor. Our instructors can help you prepare for the tests and reach your GED goals! 

Steps to Enroll in ABSE/GED Classes

Please click the button above to complete our steps to enroll in classes. We'll get in touch with you about your schedule options, and help you find a class schedule that fits your life and location.

Are you 16 or 17 years old? Check out this link for important information

¿Está interesado en tomar clases de GED en español?

Obtenga más información sobre nuestra clase de GED en español

Unsure what to do?

For questions or more information, contact our Student Services Staff at abse@lanecc.edu or 541-463-5214.

Tuition Waivers and Scholarships

Course Cost: $27 Transportation Fee

If you are enrolled in courses at the Main Campus or the Mary Spilde Downtown Center, you will be charged the current LCC transportation fee of $27. This will allow you to obtain a LTD Bus Pass for no additional charge. If you are enrolled in courses at any other LCC ABSE/GED site, there is no fee, however you are not eligible for the bus pass through Lane Community College. 

ABSE/GED classes are non-credit, and offered at low-cost or no cost to students. Students enrolled only in ABSE classes do not qualify for financial aid.

We have limited scholarships available to students who could not otherwise afford to take the GED exams.

Transitioning to Credit Courses

Students may be eligible for a 6-credit tuition waiver, upon completion of either the GED or the CollegeReady courses. Contact the ABSE office for more information. 

Teen GED Options  

We have a support program for high school-aged students. This program is for you if:

  • You are 16 – 17 years old
  • You have an Exemption from Compulsory Attendance from your local high school. (The decision to exempt a student is made by local school district officials in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes and local school district policy.)
  • If you cannot get an Exemption from Compulsory Attendance from your local high school, your parent/guardian can create an account and register for home-school services at Lane Education Service District.
  • Home-schooled Lane Education Service District students can obtain a GED Release letter that will serve as an equivalent to the Exemption from Compulsory Attendance.


Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, or call or visit a Lane ABSE site near you.

Contact Adult and Basic Secondary Education

Mary Spilde Downtown Center

Second Floor, Room 203
Downtown Center
101 W. 10th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401 USA
In-person Support Service Hours:
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Thursday/Friday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Main Campus

Building 11, Room 201
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405 USA
In-Person Student Support Hours
Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.