Florence Continuing Education

Lifelong Learning at Florence Center

LCC Florence has a vibrant continuing education program, offering a variety of enrichment classes and professional development courses.

Registration for Continuing Education Classes:

  1. Visit lanecc.edu/ce and view all the classes available.
    Florence staff
  2. Browse for Florence classes.
  3. Find your class under the appropriate category, then click "Add to Cart." When you've added all of your chosen classes, click "View Cart" to check out. 

Payment at the time of enrollment with a credit or debit card (Visa or Mastercard only) is required. Registration for noncredit classes can also be done over the phone by calling (541) 997-8444.

Tuition Discount

A tuition discount will be given to students 60 years or better for many of the noncredit classes offered. The discount applies only to tuition, not to class fees. Look for the senior tuition on classes throughout the schedule. (The discount does not apply to all noncredit classes.) 

Resource Fee

In addition to the tuition and individual class fees, the college assesses a one-time per term $10 Resource Fee to defray operational costs. This fee is assessed regardless of the number of classes taken. Courses listed as "Free" are not subject to this fee.