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Questions and Answers
Q. How do we know if Lane is closed due to weather?
A. When a decision is made to close any Lane Community College location, or open late due to severe weather, the college sends a LCC Alert emergency message, notifies news media, and posts announcements on the college home page, Facebook and Twitter pages, switchboard, and
LCC Alert is LCC’s emergency messaging service used to alert students and employees about weather closures, late openings or emergencies at Lane. LCC Alert notifications are sent by text and sometimes email. Texting is the fastest way to be notified of an emergency. If you aren’t receiving LCC Alert texts or emails, login to myLane and click the LCC Alert Emergency Notification link in the Personal Information menu and update your contact information. LCC Alert is not used for promotional purposes.
Q. When will we know that Lane is closed?
A. Closures or late openings can be announced at any time as conditions change; however, every effort is made to announce morning closures or late openings by 6:30 a.m., and evening closures by 3 p.m.
Q. If the college, or campus location(s), is closed part of the day and opens late, when do I report to class?
A. If the college opens late, report to class at the new opening time if at least 50 minutes of class/lab time remains. For example, if the college opens at 10 a.m., classes and labs that normally begin at 10 a.m. or are already in session at 10 a.m. would meet, but only if the normal ending time for that class or lab is 10:50 a.m. or later. The remainder of the day would continue on the regular schedule. If you have a class or an appointment that begins prior to 10 and that ends earlier than 10:50 am, that class or appointment is canceled. In the case of a canceled class, the instructor will provide instructions as to how the material to have been covered in that class will be made up. In the case of an appointment, please contact the department with which you had an appointment to reschedule it.
Q: How does a late opening or closure affect remote synchronous and online courses?
Students enrolled in fully online courses, with no face-to-face component, should continue to access their course. If there is any face-to-face or synchronous instruction, and the college is closed, classes will be canceled. If the college is opening late, follow the guidance in the previous question.
Q. What routes are best?
A. When 30th Avenue is icy, some people drive in from the east via Franklin.
Q. What about LTD?
A. In general, LTD operates buses to Lane when Lane is open; however, drivers may choose alternate routes. An LTD route change does not necessarily indicate a college closure.
Q. What about snow and ice removal on main campus?
A. When snow and ice accumulate on main campus, warning signs are posted at entrances and work crews sprinkle or spray ice melter on sidewalks and traffic lanes. Snow plows clear the main south parking lots and traffic lanes connecting Eldon Schafer Drive and Gonyea Road. Since the Eugene area is fairly temperate and does not experience extreme, recurring winter conditions, the Lane facilities department has limited equipment and resources to clear sudden accumulating snow or widespread icy conditions. It is very important that everyone use appropriate footwear, wear gloves, use handrails, take extra precautions in wintry conditions, and expect slick spots on cold mornings. Call Facilities Management and Planning at (541) 463-5000 to report unsafe conditions or concerns.
Q. If Lane is closed, should staff report for work?
A. When a college location is closed, classes and activities at the facility are canceled. Staff who work on-site should not report for work or come to the work site, unless they receive specific instructions otherwise from their supervisor, or hear such instructions in news announcements. If some facilities are closed and others are open, staff who work at the open facilities should report to work as usual.
Q. Will staff get paid?
A. Review the College Online Policy and Procedure System (COPPS) policy on "Pay: School Closure,", for guidelines on compensation.
Q. How are weather closure decisions made?
A. Lane administrators, safety and facilities staff work as a team and collaborate with school districts, other higher education institutions, and public agencies including cities, the county, LTD and ODOT, in making weather closure decisions. Lane conducts real-time monitoring of developing weather, road and campus conditions. These and other factors are considered—
- What are conditions on campus?
- What are road conditions like?
- What is the weather forecast?
- Are temperatures expected to fall or rise?
- Are local schools delaying or closing?
- Are buses running on time?
- How will this affect student-parents with kids in school?
- How will this affect students who commute from a significant distance?
Closures may be announced at any time as conditions change but every effort is made to announce morning closures by 6:30 a.m., and evening closures by 3 p.m. Updates are posted as soon as possible.
Each decision is likely to inconvenience someone. Lane does its best to ensure safety and accessibility for as many students as possible and encourages individuals to use caution and make the best decisions they can for themselves, whether confronting bad weather or other challenges.
Q. What if I have other questions?
A. Employees may refer to the Employee Emergency Manual. For a copy of the manual, send an email to
For more information contact Brett Rowlett, Executive Director of External Affairs, 541-463-5850.