The Board of Education has primary authority for establishing policies governing the operation of the college and for adopting the college's annual budget. The board's charge is to oversee the development of programs and services that board members believe will best serve the needs of the people of the Lane Community College district.
Upcoming meetings
Meetings are held on LCC's main campus in Building 3, Room 216 unless otherwise noted and are also available for viewing on the college’s event streaming page. Monthly meeting dates are subject to change and are included on the previous month's agenda. Additional meetings are held as needed. Materials for the board meeting will be available through BoardDocs.
Public Comments at Board Meetings
Public comments may be made in person or via Zoom webinar by registering in advance.
To provide comments during a public board meeting, please check the meeting calendar above. You may sign up at the meeting to give testimony in person or remotely by following the instructions on the "Public Comment" section of the relevant board meeting agenda. You may also send an email to with questions about how to provide public comment.
Agendas, Minutes, Recordings, and Policies
To improve transparency and increase efficiency, board meeting agendas, minutes, recordings of past meetings, policies, zone maps, and board member contact information are now found on BoardDocs, LCC's eGovernance site.
Lane Community Board of Education


Sophie Gibson
Board Zones
The Lane Community College District serves a 5,000 square-mile area stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. The district includes most of Lane County, as well as the Monroe School District in Benton County, the Harrisburg Union High School District in Linn County and a small area in northern Douglas County. The total district population includes about 390,000 people.
Seven elected, non-paid persons comprise the LCC Board of Education and have primary authority for establishing policies governing the operation of the college and adopting the college's annual budget. Their charge is to oversee the development of programs and services which they believe will best serve the needs of the people of the LCC District. Five directors represent one of five district zones; two are elected at-large.
View detailed district and zone maps
News about the Board of Education
Public Meetings Law Grievance Process
If you have a grievance regarding an alleged violation of Oregon Public Meetings Law by the Lane Community College Board of Education, please submit it in writing to Celia Wright, Executive Assistant to the Board and President. Grievances can be sent via email at or in person at the Office of the President, located on the second floor of Building 3 at LCC’s main campus, 4000 E. 30th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405. Submissions are accepted during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
LCC is a weapons-free campus
Lane Community College (LCC) is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work and learning environment. LCC strictly prohibits any person, including students, employees, visitors, contractors and vendors, from being in possession of, or giving the appearance of being in possession of, any firearm, dangerous or deadly weapon, or destructive device while on College business, or at any other time while in or on College owned or controlled buildings, offices, premises, sites or vehicles, or at activities under the jurisdiction or sponsorship of the College. College property also includes that portion of any other building occupied by the College on a permanent or temporary basis. This policy applies to all firearms and does not include an affirmative defense described in ORS 166.370 (3)(g), concerning persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun under ORS 166.291 and ORS 166.292. On-duty law enforcement officers licensed with the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) or equivalent state or federal authority authorized to license the possession of firearms by law enforcement officers may possess firearms while on college property and acting within the scope of their employment. The LCC President is authorized to make exceptions on the showing of good cause or necessity with immediate notification to the board. Any individual found in violation of this policy is subject to removal and exclusion from campus, college disciplinary action (if an employee or student), and/or arrest in accordance with state and federal laws. Read more about weapons-free campus here.