EUGENE, Ore. — Oregon high school students or Oregon GED program students graduating in 2023 or 2024 can take one tuition-free course this spring or summer from Lane Community College to jump-start their college education.
“That’s a $530 savings for a four-credit course,” explained Lane Community College Advisor Brenda Williams. Fees and other expenses are not included in this offer.
Registration for new students wanting to begin in spring term starts February 20 and early May for summer term. Any course for college credit is eligible as long as the student meets the prerequisites. Registration must be completed by April 10 for spring term and by September 16 for summer courses.
This initiative started in 2020 with almost 400 high school students starting their college career early since its debut. Last summer, students saved at least $63,600 in tuition costs.
For more information visit our Tuition Free Course web page or contact Lane's Early College Advisor Brenda Williams at williamsb@lanecc.edu or 541-463-3443.
Lane Community College educates over 15,000 students annually at six locations across Lane County and online. Students and alumni from all 50 states and 79 countries create more than an $850 million dollar impact on the local economy, helping to support more than 13,000 local jobs. Lane provides affordable, quality, professional technical and college transfer programs; business development and employee training; academic, language and life skills development; and lifelong personal development and enrichment courses.