Social Science Hero

Social Science

Welcome to Social Science!

The Social Science Division offers courses about people, their social and cultural heritage, and their behavior. These subjects are important to being successful in any profession or vocation, and they contribute to the quality of our lives.

Most Social Science classes may be applied toward baccalaureate majors in Anthropology, Community Service, Criminal JusticeEconomics, Education, Ethnic Studies, General Social Science, Geography, History, Human Services, Law, Law Enforcement, Corrections, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Sociology. The division offers these professional/technical programs: Criminal Justice, Geographic Information ScienceHuman Services, and Early Childhood EducationEducation Assistant.

Note: Professional/technical courses cannot be used to meet social science general education requirements for Lane or baccalaureate degrees.

Contact Social Science

Lane Community College
Social Science Division
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405

Main Campus - Center Building, Room 403
Monday - Friday 9-5pm
LCC is closed on most Fridays during summer term.
The Social Science office will be closed during the winter break from Friday, December 20th thru January 1st.