Looking at the mural on building 5 from the stairs on buildling 6

Course Placement

Course Placement sets you up for success! Follow the steps below to see which Writing and Math classes you need to fulfill your education goals.

Step 1: Get Ready

Gather your High School GPA, any previous college transcripts (including College Now), and your scores on any standardized exams you've taken, like the SAT, GED, ACT, Smarter Balanced, AP, or IB.

  • If you've never had an L Number before, you'll need to apply first
  • If you've previously attended a different college, you'll also need to submit your official transcripts.
  • Details about what scores you'll need for Writing can be found in Step 2 and Math in Step 3.

Step 2: Complete Writing Placement

Take the Writing Placement Survey

Afterwards, you'll get an email (to your student Gmail) explaining which writing class you placed into. If the email tells you to take a Reading test, you can schedule an in-person test (no cost) or schedule a virtual test ($28)

Otherwise, go to Step 4.


  • High School GPA
    • If your high school senior year GPA was 3.0 or higher, report your approximate GPA.
  • SAT
    • If you have recently taken the SAT (2016 and on), report your SAT Reading and Writing score. Look up your SAT scores.
  • GED
  • ACT  
  • Smarter Balanced (SBAC)
    • If you took the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) in high school, report your English Language Arts score. Get your Smarter Balanced scores by contacting your high school.
  • AP
  • IB
    • If you completed the IB Exam in English A Literature (standard or high) or English A Literature & Language (standard or high), report your score. Look up your IB Exam scores.
  • College Credit
    • If you've already taken some college-level Writing courses (including College Now), find your transcripts (unofficial is fine). Learn more about transcripts.


Step 3: Find Your Math Pathway

There are three Math Pathways depending on your area of study. To determine your pathway, read the Math Placement Page or talk to an advisor.

Check out the Math Placement Page

If you're on the Quantitative (non-STEM) Pathway or Career Technical Math Pathway, you do not need to report Math Placement Measures or take a Math Placement Test. You can go ahead and register for your math classes (Step 4).

If you're on the Algebra to Calculus (STEM) Pathway, your next step is to email your Math Placement Measures to mathoffice@lanecc.edu (see Step 1) and/or take the Math Placement Test (ALEKS):

Take the Math Placement Test (ALEKS)

Step 4: Advising & Registration

You're ready to enroll in classes! But first make sure you know what you need for your education and career goals.

For the majority of first time in college students (non-transfer), your next step will be to complete New Student Orientation, located on the steps to enroll within the Admissions Portal:

New Student Orientation

Prior college students will meet individually with an advisor:

Drop-In Advising

Frequently Asked Questions About Placement Testing

Placement Testing is offered year round (with few exceptions) at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM. Check-in starts 15 minutes prior to testing, with group instructions introducing the tests and rules. All placement tests are untimed and breaks are allowed. If you don't finish your test, you can resume the test another day. Please note that Math Placement Testing (ALEKS) is online only. Learn more about ALEKS here.

Photo ID is mandatory for all testing, by Testing vendor rules. We cannot make exceptions to the vendor rules.

Acceptable forms of ID:

  • Current driver's license
  • State-approved ID
  • High school ID
  • College ID
  • Current state or federal ID card
  • Current passport
  • Tribal ID card
  • Naturalization card or certification of citizenship

We provide scratch paper and pencils. Nothing else (like calculators) is allowed during testing

Food and drink can be kept directly outside of the testing room, you are free to take breaks when you want

For the Math Placement Test (ALEKS), is only offered online. For that, you'll need to know your L Number and myLane password.

Study! Studying will increase you scores and reduce the number of classes you need to take. 

Writing and Reading Practice:

Math Practice:

Writing Placement Cut Scores

Math (ALEKS) Results Guide

And, of course, an advisor would be more than happy to help you understand your results.

Absolutely! For Accuplacer Reading & Writing, you can take two attempts on a section (this limit resets after three months). For the ALEKS test, you can take four attempts total in a one year period (an unproctored practice test counts as an attempt).