Students walking outside the center buildng

Want to get in touch with Lane?

Find contact information for commonly needed departments below, or call us at 541-463-3000

Looking to get started at Lane?

Reach out to the Admissions Office

Get help getting started, request information about the college, or take a tour of campus.

Building 1, Room 102
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Contact Admissions

Have questions about your degree plan?

Speak with your advisor!

Building 1, Room 103
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405

Questions about enrollment, transcripts, or registration?

Contact Enrollment Services

Building 1
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 463-3100
Contact Enrollment Services

Have a Financial Aid Question?

The Financial Aid Office can help

Building 1
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 463-3400
Contact Financial Aid

main campus map

Campus & Services

Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 463-3000


Commonly Needed Phone Numbers

Department Phone #
Main Campus (541) 463-3000
ABSE/GED (541) 463-5214
Bookstore (541) 463-5256
Continuing Education and Educational Outreach (541) 463-6100
Center for Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150
International Programs (541) 463-3434
English as a Second Language (541) 463-5253
Multi-Cultural Center (541) 463-5276
Student Help Desk (541) 463-3333
Gender Equity Center (541) 463-5353

Looking for Calendars? Check out what's happening at Lane.

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