Quality Care Connections provides training and professional development opportunities for child care providers and early educators. Please review our class policies prior to registering for classes.
We are here to help.

Financial Support
Find available financial supports such as scholarships, reimbursements, and more.

Training Resources
The Oregon Center for Career Development (OCCD) website has resources for understanding Oregon Registry system, steps, credentials, training, scholarships and more.

Technical Assistance
Need help registering for classes, finding the ORO hours you need, or something else? Let our team help you.
(541) 463-3300
What are your goals?
Check the DELC Rules for your program type to ensure you find the right training requirements for your role.
Register for classes:
- Quality Care Connections - includes local trainings in Lane County
- Oregon Registry Training Calendar - trainings offered statewide
- Additional DELC Training
- ORO Approved Online Organizations
QCC staff are available to look up your training history and help you find the training hours you need. Contact our office to get connected with a specialist: (541) 463-3300 / qualitycareconnections@lanecc.edu
The DELC website can help you learn about the current requirements for working in a child care program.
Interested in working as an Aide? Get started with our Aide 1 Checklist.
Interested in working as a Teacher? Check qualifications here.
For all roles: If you are over 18 years of age, your first step to getting started in the field is to enroll in the Central Background Registry through the Department of Early Learning and Care.
QCC staff are available to look up your training history and help you build your qualifications. Contact our office to get connected with a specialist: (541) 463-3300 / qualitycareconnections@lanecc.edu
Want to care for 3 children or less?
- Learn about License Exempt Family Child Care.
Want to care for more than 3 children in a home?
- Learn about Licensed Family Child Care:
- Care for up to 10 children, often as a single provider: Registered Family
- Care for up to 16 children, often with a provider plus staff: Certified Family
Want to care for more than 3 children in a center?
- Learn about Licensed Child Care Centers.
- Learn about License Exempt Child Care Centers.
QCC staff are available to help you get started. Contact our office to get connected with a specialist: (541) 463-3300 / qualitycareconnections@lanecc.edu
Contact us to learn more about:
- Advancing in the Oregon Registry professional development system
- Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs
- Career Pathways
- Becoming a Trainer
Website Links:
Reimbursements are available for specific provider types and requirements. These reimbursements are provided by The Research Institute at Western Oregon University.
When you are submitting a form for reimbursements on the Secure Forms Site, also submit a WOU Substitute W-9 or W-8 form (available on the website) to receive your payment.
See available Grants and Scholarships.
These foundational classes help you get started in the Child Care and Early Education field.
To see full requirements for your position, check the DELC website.
Core classes may include:
- Food Handlers Certification
- First Aid / CPR
- Safe Sleep
- Foundations for Learning
- Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety
- Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Support Organizations Regularly Offering FREE Classes:
FREE Asynchronous Classes:
- ELSI Inclusion Courses
- Oregon Center for Career Development Website
- The ADA and You (1 Hours Set 1 HSN)
- Inclusion 101 (1 Hour Set 1 SN)
- Prevention is Better Than Treatment (1 Hour Set 1 HSN)
Training Policies
Virtual Training Policies Procedimiento y política de capacitación
First Aid/ CPR Policies Política de capacitación presencial en RCP y primeros auxilios
It is important that participants arrive on time and stay for the duration of the class. Participants arriving more than 15 minutes after the start of class will not receive ORO credit.
- If you need to cancel a training, you may do so through your BOOKEO account 24 hours in advance.
- QCC will issue a BOOKEO credit to the payee’s BOOKEO account if applicable. We do not typically offer refunds.
- If the organizer or instructor must cancel and reschedule a class, we will email you the new date.
- If you cannot attend, QCC will issue you a BOOKEO credit, if applicable.
- On the day of a webinar, a ZOOM registration link will be sent to you by email no later than 3 hours before the start of your training.
- PRIOR TO CLASS, it is your responsibility to make sure everything works. You may need to download the ZOOM application, test your ZOOM link, speakers, and microphone prior to a webinar.
- Log-in 10-15 minutes early to be sure your computer system works properly.
In the case of inclement weather, Quality Care Connections classes will be cancelled when Lane Community College is closed. Closures will be announced via radio, television networks, or Quality Care Connections staff. If class is not cancelled and you choose not to attend, you forfeit any applicable payment. If class is cancelled by Quality Care Connections, staff will contact you with new date of the class. We do not offer refunds or credits for classes missed or cancelled due to inclement weather.
Professional Development Information
Approved training is tracked in the Oregon Registry Online system. Learn more about the Oregon Registry Online by:
- Logging in or creating an account on the MyORO website.
- Watching the Oregon Registry Overview video.
- Exploring the Oregon Center for Career Development website.
- Taking a Professional Development class through Child Care Resource and Referral agencies.
- Scheduling an appointment with a Quality Improvement Specialist. Contact our office to be connected with a specialist.
Oregon Registry Quick Links:
Oregon Registry Core Knowledge Category Abbreviations
- DIV: Diversity
- FCS: Families & Community Systems
- HGD: Human Growth & Development
- HSN: Health, Safety & Nutrition
- LEC: Learning Environments & Curriculum
- OA: Observation & Assessment
- PPLD: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
- PM: Program Management
- SN: Special Needs
- UGB: Understanding & Guiding Behavior
Child Development Hours Include: DIV, FCS, HGD, HSN, LEC, OA, SN, UGB
Set One, Set Two, and Set Three Explanation
The “Sets” are a progression of increased depth and breadth of knowledge within each Core Knowledge Category. Each set provides increased knowledge and how to place that knowledge into practice in professional work. Set One is introductory, Set Two is intermediate, and Set Three is advanced. College course credits are considered Set Two or Three. To move beyond Step 7 in the Oregon Registry, college course credit or Set Two or Three classes are required.
Child Care Training Requirements
- To understand the training and qualification requirements for staff that work in licensed Certified or Registered Family Child Care or in a Certified Child Care Center, visit the Department of Early and Care (DELC) website.
- See the training requirements for Licensed Family Child Care in English and Spanish.
- See the training requirements for Child Care Center in English and Spanish.
- See license-exempt subsidy providers training requirements.
Core Classes
- Oregon Center for Career Development Website
- Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
- Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety
- Foundations for Learning
- Safe Sleep for Oregon's Infants
- ERDC Orientation Part 1 (accepting Employment-Related Day Care payments for child care services)
- Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part 1 (opening a licensed program in your home)
- QCC Training
- First Aid/CPR
- ERDC Orientation Part 2
- Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part 2
- Other
- FREE Food Handler's Card Certification Course
Career Pathways & College Courses
- DELC Educator Pathways
- Lane Community College Early Childhood Education Program
- CDA Credential Information
- Start a Child Care Business
- More Career Pathways
Stipends and Reimbursements
Learn about, and apply, for stipends and reimbursements through The Research Institute payments portal. For each submission, make sure to include a Substitute W-9 or W-8 form (at the bottom of the page). Please read the details for each stipend and reimbursement type to know what applies to your work.
Meet with a Specialist
Contact our office to get connected with a specialist who can help you:
- Understand the Oregon Registry System
- Track Your Training Hours
- Create a Professional Development Plan
- Find Resources for Training & More
- Meet Your Professional Goals!
Phone: (541) 463-3300