EUGENE, Ore.– High school students graduating in 2021 or 2022 can take one tuition-free course this spring or summer from Lane Community College to jump-start their college education. That’s a $480 savings for one four-credit course.
Courses will be held remotely from March 29 to June 12 for spring term, and June 21 to September 11 for summer term. Students will receive free access to Moodle, Zoom and other important college resources to take their course.
Registration and a Tuition-Waiver Request form must be completed by the first day of each term; March 29 and June 21 respectively. This includes courses that start in July or August.
This initiative started in summer 2020 with almost 200 high school students starting their college career early. High school students saved $68,970 in tuition costs last summer.
For more information go online at https://www.lanecc.edu/tuitionfreecourse or contact High School Connections advisor Brenda Williams at williamsb@lanecc.edu or (541) 463-3443.
Lane Community College educates over 25,000 students annually at six locations across Lane County and online. Students and alumni from all 50 states and 79 countries create more than an $850 million dollar impact on the local economy, helping to support more than 13,000 local jobs. Lane provides affordable, quality, professional technical and college transfer programs; business development and employee training; academic, language and life skills development; and lifelong personal development and enrichment courses.