The Computer Information Technology Department provides both professional technical and lower division computer science and computer information systems course work.
We offer two-year Associate of Applied Science degree programs that are designed to prepare students for jobs as Computer Network Administrators, User Support Specialists, or as Computer Programmers as well as a two year Transfer Degree. Several Career Pathway Certificates are also available for students wanting to specialize in specific areas.
The department also offers service courses in Computer Literacy, Computer Software Tools, and Computer Programming to students in other fields of study.
Take a look at the Steps to Enroll and get started on an exciting career in Computer Information Technology today!
Our Programs
- Cyber Security, AAS
- Computer Network Operations, AAS
- Software Development, AAS
- General Computer Science Transfer
Additional Information
Contact Computer Information Technology
Computer Information Technology Department
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Bldg. 19/Room 137
Monday - Thursday (19/137) : 8 am- 5 pm
Friday: 9 am - 5 pm remote only