photo of center building on main campus


Lane is the community’s college. We provide comprehensive, accessible, quality, learning-centered educational opportunities that promote student success. At Lane, our service areas and departments work together to helpful our mission. Below is a listing of the departments and services represented at Lane: 

Want to get in touch with someone about Admissions, Financial Aid, Enrollment & Registration or search our College Employee Directory?

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic Advising (541) 463-3800
Academic and Student Affairs (see Executive Leadership)
Academic Learning Skills Department (541) 463-5439
Academic Technology Department (541) 463-5368
Academic Technology Center (ATC) (541) 463-3377
Accreditation at Lane
ADA/504 Compliance Committee
Admissions (541) 463-5678
Adult Basic and Secondary Education (541) 463-5214
Advanced Technology Division (541) 463-5380
Advising (541) 463-3800
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Office (541) 463-5801
American Association of Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC)-LCC Chapter
Apprenticeship Program (541) 463-5496
Archives and Records Management (541) 463-3450
Arts (541) 463-5409
Art at Lane (541) 463-5466
Art Gallery (541) 463-5409
Associated Students of Lane Community College (ASLCC) see Lane Student Government Association 541-463-3278
Athletics (541) 463-5599
Automotive (541) 463-5380
Aviation Academy (541) 463-5380
Aviation Maintenance (541) 463-5380


Board of Education
Bond Information
Bookstore (TitanStore) (541) 463-5256
Budget Office (541) 463-5604
Bursar Office (541) 463-3011
Business Department (541) 463-5221


Career Pathways (541) 463-4726
Career Exploration Center (541) 463-3600
Center for Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150
Childcare Co-Op (see Lane Child and Family Center) (541) 463-5519
Child Development Center (541) 463-3522
Child and Family Education (541) 463-3522
Classified Professional Development Team
College Finance (541) 463-5839
College Governance
College Now (541) 463-5521 or 463-5699
College Online Policy and Procedure System (COPPS)
College Services (see Leadership) - (541) 463-5301
Computer Information Technology (541) 463-5221
Construction Technology (541) 463-5380
Continuing Education (541) 463-6100
Cooperative Education (541) 463-5203
Cottage Grove (541) 463-4202
Culinary Arts (541) 463-3503
Curriculum and Scheduling


Dance - Performing Arts Department (541) 463-3108
Denali - Student Literary Arts Journal
Dental Programs - (541) 463-5617
Diesel and Lift Truck (541) 463-5380
Disability Resources (see Center for Accessible Resources) (541) 463-5150
Distance Learning (LaneOnline) (541) 463-5893
Diversity Office, see Equity and Inclusion (541) 463-5801
Mary Spilde Downtown Center (541) 463-6250
Drafting (541) 463-5380


Early Childhood Education (541) 463-5617
Employee Directory
EMT and Paramedic Programs (541) 463-5617
Energy Management Program (541) 463-6160
Engineering Transfer - (see Mathematics) (541) 463-5454
English as a Second Language (ESL) (541) 463-5253
English, Foreign Language & Speech (see Arts and Humanties) (541) 463-5419
Enrollment Services (541) 463-3100
Equity and Inclusion (541) 463-5801
Ethnic Studies (541) 463-5427
Executive Leadership


Fabrication & Welding (541) 463-5380
Facilities Management & Planning (541) 463-5000
Faculty Connections
Faculty Professional Development
Family Connections of Lane and Douglas Counties (see Quality Care Connections) (541) 463-3954
Fitness Education Center (541) 463-3987
Financial Aid (541) 463-3400
Finance & Administration (see Executive Leadership)
Lane Aviation Academy (541) 463-4195
Florence (541) 997-8444 or (541) 463-4800
Food Services (541) 463-5670
Foundation (541) 463-5135


Gender Equity Center (541) 463-5353
Governance System
Grants Information (541) 463-5828


Health & Physical Education (541) 463-5545
Health Clinic (541) 463-5665
Health Professions (541) 463-5617
Heath Records Technology (541) 463-5617
High School Connections (541) 463-5521
Honors Program
Human Resources (541) 463-5586
Humanities (541) 463-5419


Information Technology (541) 463-3330
Institute of Sustainable Practices (541) 463-5594
Institutional Research (541) 463-5779
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
International English as a Second Language (IESL) (541) 463-5253
International Programs (541) 463-3434


KLCC Radio (541) 463-6000


Lane Child and Family Center (541) 463-5519
Lane Family Connections (see Quality Care Connections) (541) 463-3954
LaneOnline (541) 463-5893
Lane Oregon Promise
Language, Literature and Communication, see Arts and Humanties (541) 463-5419
Lane's Integration of Vets in Education (LIVE) (541) 463-5684
Lane Student Government Association (Lane SGA) 541-463-3278
LCC at Cottage Grove (541) 942-4202
LCC Mary Spilde Downtown Center (541) 463-6250
LCC at Florence (541) 997-8444 or (541) 463-4800
Learning Garden (541) 463-5899
Library (541) 463-5220
LIFE - Lasting Improvements for Employees (Wellness) (541) 463-5551
Live Streaming, Videoconferencing and Web Conferencing at Lane (541) 463-5319


Mail Services (541) 463-5575
Manufacturing and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) (541) 463-5380
Marketing and Public Relations (541) 463-5591
Mathematics (541) 463-5446
Maxwell Student Veteran Center (541) 463-5684
Media Arts (541) 463-5409
Media Services (541) 463-5319
Medical Office Assisting (541) 463-5617
Multimedia Design (541) 463-5409
Multicultural Center (541) 463-5276
Music - Performing Arts Department (541) 463-3108


Native American Student Association (541) 463-5238
Northwest Water and Energy Education Institute (541) 463-6160
Notary Publics at Lane Community College
Nursing (541) 463-5617
Nutrition Program (541) 463-5617


Office of Academic and Student Affairs (541) 463-5732


Pathways (541) 463-4701
Performing Arts - Performing Arts Department (541) 463-3108
Phi Theta Kappa
Physical Education & Health (541) 463-5545
Physical Therapist Assistant (541) 463-5617
President's Office (541) 463-5200
Programs of Study
Program Review at Lane (541) 463-5302
Printing and Graphics (541) 463-5373
Public Safety Department (541) 463-5558
Purchasing Services (541) 463-5574


Quality Care Connections (541) 463-3954


Recycling Services (541) 463-5884
Regional Technical and Early College (541) 463-5521
Respiratory Care (541) 463-5617


Safety Committee
Science (541) 463-5446
Science, Math, and Engineering (541)-463-5446
   SME Faculty & Staff Resources
Senior Companion Program (541) 463-6260
Senior Credit Tuition Waiver Option (541) 463-3100
Senior Programming (541) 463-6262
Service Learning (541) 463-5813
Small Business Development Center (541) 463-6200
Social Science (541) 463-5427
Specialized Support Services (541) 463-3959
Student Accounts (see Bursar Office) (541) 463-3011
Student Life and Leadership (541) 463-3278
Student Help Desk (SHeD) (541) 463-3333
Student Records (541) 463-3100
Surplus Property (541) 463-5634
Sustainability (Institute of Sustainable Practices) (541) 463-5884


Testing (541) 463-5324
Theatre Arts - Performing Arts Department (541) 463-3108
TitanStore (Bookstore) (541) 463-5256
Torch (541) 463-5881
TRiO/TRiO STEM (541) 463-3131
Tutoring (541) 463-5783


Veterans Education Benefits Certification Information (541) 463-5663
Veterans - Maxwell Student Veteran Center (541) 463-5684


Warehouse (541) 463-5453
Wellness (LIFE - Lasting Improvements for Employees) (541) 463-5551
Women's Program (see Gender Equity Center) (541) 463-5353