LCC Alert is an emergency notification service from Lane Community College to quickly inform students and employees about weather closures, delays or emergencies at Lane. LCC Alert messages are sent by text and sometimes email. Texting is the fastest way to get information.
LCC Alert is not used for promotional purposes.
The college's Emergency Planning Team oversees LCC Alert and emergency preparedness and response at Lane.
Signing up LCC Alert
Employees and students are automatically signed up for LCC Alert if they are actively employed or registered for classes in the current term. However, your information may not always be your preferred method so it is a good idea to verify your contact information.
When you receive a LCC Alert, be sure to read through the entire alert message to confirm what locations are affected by the alert.
Updating your LCC Alert information
- Login to myLane with your L number and password.
- Select LCC Alert Emergency Notification in the Personal Information window.
- Enter your cell number and email addresses you'd like to use.
- Save your changes and logout.
If you have questions about LCC Alert, contact Manager of Risk and Environmental Safety and Health Programs Dawn Barth at or (541) 463-5503.
For more emergency information
Lane posts weather and emergency information on its homepage, social media sites, and informs news media. Additional information is online at: