As part of Lane Community College's continuous improvement and accreditation process, it reviews and reports on the college's institutional effectiveness. Current and prior reports are available for review and this page will be updated as new reports become available.
In February 2022 Lane’s institutional accreditation was reaffirmed by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU letter, February 18. Lane received six (6) commendations and two (2) recommendations.
Lane submitted the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities in August 2021. The Commission responded in this Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (Year 7) Peer Evaluation Report.
To submit Curricular or Institutional Substantive Changes, please contact us.
The Revised Policies, Regulations & Financial Review Report was submitted March 1, 2021, based on a request for revisions by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. The Commission accepted the report in the July 2021 NWCCU letter. NWCCU provided suggestions for improvement in areas substantially in compliance but in need of further work in the response to the report in July 2021.
The Policies, Regulations & Financial Review Report is completed in year six of the seven-year cycle and was submitted September 10, 2020. The self-study and report focuses on governance, institutional integrity, policies, resources (financial, human, library & info resources, infrastructure) and previous recommendations. NWCCU provided an informal response in October. The recommendations to improve the report included adding more visuals (photos, tables), including a brief description of the College, slight organizational changes, and enhancing the section related to the Equity Lens and diversity, equity and inclusion.
The Mid-Cycle Report is conducted in the third year of a seven-year cycle and provides evidence of mission fulfillment. It is meant to assist in determining if the process of institutional assessment will lead to a successful year seven self evaluation.
LCC submitted its Mid-Cycle Report and completed the NWCCU peer site visit and evaluation in Fall of 2024. In January of 2025, NWCCU accepted the report.
The 2016 Ad Hoc Report was submitted to and accepted by NWCCU. The July 2016 NWCCU letter accepted the responses to Recommendations 2 and 7, and recognized that the College is substantially in compliance with respect to Recommendation 6. NWCCU issued a Warning for the responses to Recommendations 4 and 5 in 2016. In 2018, the warning was removed and NWCCU stated that Recommendations 4 and 5 were in compliance, but needed work. Subsequent report will address these topics.
- 2017 Mid-cycle Report, 2017 Peer Evaluator response, 2018 Letter accepting our Mid-Cycle Report
- 2015 Year One Self-Evaluation Report. NWCCU February 2016 Letter accepting the year one Self-Evaluation Report.
- 2014 Year Seven Self-Evaluation Report. The evidence website for the report is available at: Self-Study Evidence.The 2014 site evaluation report is available at: Evaluators' Report. Lane's response to their 2014 report is available at: Response to Evaluators' Report. NWCCU's 2015 letter reaffirming Lane's accreditation is available at: NWCCU Letter.
- Institutional Self-Study (2004)
- 2004 Comprehensive NWCCU Evaluation
- Year One Self-Evaluation Report
- Appendices, Year One Report
- Year One Peer Evaluation Report
You can also view previous accreditation reports and information.