EUGENE, Ore. — Lane Community College students will have more options where they can take classes starting Winter Term. A variety of general education classes are being offered at the Mary Spilde Downtown Center (MSDC), located at 101 W 10th Ave. These include classes in writing, communication, psychology, anthropology, criminal justice and human services.
“Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic these general education courses were offered both on the main campus and at the MSDC,” explained Dean of Social Sciences Philip R. Martinez. “This marks a post-pandemic return to the downtown campus for most of these courses.”
Both day and evening classes will be offered to students, who can register starting Nov. 7. Other opportunities at the MSDC include those in health professions, English as a second language, adult basic and secondary education, as well as small business development, senior companion and senior programing.
Courses are being offered downtown to better serve students dependent upon public transportation by reducing travel time. The courses also better serve students who work or live closer to the downtown area. The MSDC is located across the street from the downtown Eugene LTD Bus Station and close to paid street parking and garages.
With these classes students can meet a portion of the requirements for the popular Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) in writing, communication, social science, criminal justice and human services. The AAOT is a collaboration that allows students to complete introductory courses at a community college and then transfer to any institution in the Oregon University System, having met the lower division general education requirements for that institution's baccalaureate degree programs. This means students who complete the AAOT transfer to any Oregon public four-year university and enter as a junior with their general education requirements already met.
Applications for Winter term, which begins Jan. 9, are now being accepted at www.lanecc.edu with open registration for classes beginning Nov. 7.
Lane Community College educates over 25,000 students annually at six locations across Lane County and online. Students and alumni from all 50 states and 79 countries create more than an $850 million dollar impact on the local economy, helping to support more than 13,000 local jobs. Lane provides affordable, quality, professional technical and college transfer programs; business development and employee training; academic, language and life skills development; and lifelong personal development and enrichment courses.