EUGENE, Ore. —Lane Community College is seeking an at-large member for its Bond Oversight Committee. The Bond Oversight Committee is charged with reviewing progress on the projects detailed in LCC Bond Measure 20-306 that was approved by voters in the May 2020 election.
“This committee is a vital element in our responsibility and transparency to the community,” said George Stalliard, Lane Vice President of Finance and Operations. “Members review a list of proposed bond projects, evaluate the progress of current bond projects, determine if the college did what it said it would do and present a report annually to the Board of Education.”
Those interested in the vacant at-large position should complete the online application that will ask individuals about their education, experience, and skills that will be helpful to the committee. Members of the committee are selected to reflect a broad, cross-section of district residents, including age, economic status, diversity and location. Applications are to be screened, interviews conducted, and final appointments confirmed by LCC President Stephanie Bulger and the Board of Education. Applications are due Dec. 6 by 5 p.m. with an expected first meeting of April 2023.
Consisting of 11 members and two ex-officio members, the committee meets quarterly in a virtual session. The makeup of the board includes five members representing LCC District residents at-large, one member representing the Cottage Grove area, one member representing the Florence area, three members representing district-based construction and/or business, two members representing LCC employees and one member representing LCC students. Terms are staggered and last for three years with each member serving a maximum of two terms. Committee members do not receive compensation.
The online application and more information about the Bond Oversight Committee should visit the Bond Oversight Committee webpage. Questions can be directed to bond@lanecc.edu.
Lane Community College educates over 25,000 students annually at six locations across Lane County and online. Students and alumni from all 50 states and 79 countries create more than an $850 million dollar impact on the local economy, helping to support more than 13,000 local jobs. Lane provides affordable, quality, professional technical and college transfer programs; business development and employee training; academic, language and life skills development; and lifelong personal development and enrichment courses.