International Student Peer Mentor Program

The International Student Peer Mentor Program supports international student success at Lane Community College through personal interaction in an atmosphere of growth and mutual respect.

Each term, Peer Mentors help new international students in the transition from their home countries to our Lane community. Peer Mentors connect with new students before they arrive and meet with them Through out Welcome week and Orientation. Throughout the term, these student leaders serve as a cultural bridge and as a resource to new international students thought mentoring, planning events and and assisting in interpersonal concerns as they arise. Transitioning from one country to another is often a complicated and at times, can be a frustrating journey. This program is designed to smooth that transition and to support new international students during their first term at Lane Community College.

International Peer Mentors, standing outside under a Lane flag

International Student Peer Mentor Program's Mission

The International Student Peer Mentor Program is a bridge program that connects committed student mentors with incoming international students to improve their academic achievement and social competence and to facilitate smooth adjustment into the new environment. By sharing experiences and insights, mentors can ease the transition process of new international students by making deeper connections that enhance the quality of the new international student experience.

Become a Peer Mentor