Council of Clubs

The Council of Clubs is a representative body of active and ratified clubs on campus.

The purpose of the Council of Clubs is to plan clubs activities on campus, provide support for clubs, and to encourage an active club presence on campus. The Council is located in Student Life and Leadership, Center Building, Room 201.


Casey Voyles, Chair
Office hours:  to be determined

Vacant, Vice Chair

Vacant, Secretary

Vacant, Treasurer


Council of Clubs regular meetings will resume in Fall term. The Council does not meet on holidays or during breaks between terms.

Days:  Wednesdays
Time:  4:00-6:00 pm
Location:  CEN 202

Student clubs are expected to send one representative to Council of Clubs meetings regularly to remain in good standing with the Council. The club representative is:

  • Authorized to report on club activities and generally speak on the club's behalf
  • Authorized to vote on any motions at the Council meetings
  • Usually an officer of the club but not necessarily the club president.

Active clubs may choose to be ratified by the Council. Benefits of ratification include:

  • Have one vote on any decisions by the Council.
  • May submit funds requests to the Council.
  • Will receive a stipend at the end of each term provided a club has attended 70% of the meetings within a given term.

Agendas and Minutes

To view the Council of Clubs meeting agendas and minutes, you must be logged into your LCC email account.

2023-2024 Agendas and Minutes

Council of Clubs Forms

  • Council of Clubs Funds Request Form
    Student clubs that are ratified members of the Council of Clubs may request funding from the Council for club events or activities.
  • Template for a student club constitution
  • Student club email address request form
    New student clubs may request a club email address and a Google Workspace account. This email address will be formatted the same a the student email address (
  • Student club event scheduling request form
    Use this form to schedule club meetings and events. The event title and event description will appear on Lane's event calendar. Please submit the form 2-3 weeks prior to your event.

Get Involved

Clubs and Organizations -- Learn more about student clubs, student identity unions, honor societies, and other organizations

Lane Student Government Association -- Learn about student government at Lane

Contact Council of Clubs

LCC main campus view of Dr Dale Parnell Center for Learning and Student Success
Lane Community College
Council of Clubs
Center Building, Room 201 A
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405

Closed during summer term.
Visit the Student Life and Leadership office in CEN 201 for assistance.