the cottage grove center, featuring a large tree in fall

Cottage Grove Center

A compact outreach center, we provide educational and support services for the residents of South Lane and North Douglas Counties.

Our center hosts credit classes, community education opportunities, and educational resources. We will continue to add additional resources and activities over time, but we are very excited to once again be open to the public.  

Credit Classes

In an effort to support credit students in the Cottage Grove area, we are working to offer classes designed to support a broad range of programs. Using in-person, online, and meet/zoom, formats we hope to provide opportunities for students to access classes locally. Check back regularly to see up-to-date offerings.  

Credit Class Schedule Find the term, click Credit Class Listings by subject, then select Credit Classes/Cottage Grove

Community Education

Community education, not for credit, classes are held onsite and at other locations around Cottage Grove. You can explore up-to-date program offerings on our non-credit registration website. Our class schedule is a digital document that showcases upcoming classes each quarter. 

Non-Credit Registration 

Spring Class Schedule

Credit Student Services

Currently Available

  • Computer Lab
  • Study Rooms

Coming Soon

  • Placement Testing
  • Proctored Testing
  • Math Tutoring

GED/ABSE Preparatory Classes

Courses are currently operating remotely

Interested in pursuing your GED or preparing for college-level classes at our Cottage Grove campus? Classes are offered in fall, winter, and spring terms. Reach out to our Adult Basic and Secondary Ed department for more information, and to learn about scholarship opportunities.

Online Partner Programs

Partner programming classes are offered by third-party providers who have been carefully selected to improve content breadth and enhance accessibility. These are not Lane Community College classes. Third-party providers independently manage their course content and instruction.


Ed2go Courses

Online skill development, career exploration, and personal enrichment courses. Check out their extensive online catalog of classes. 


Project Management

Take individual classes to gain valuable skills, or complete all 8 classes and earn a non-credit training certificate. 

Promineo Tech


Software development bootcamps, Digital Marketing, and Data Analysis courses provide an introduction to a wide range of tech-based career options. 

Contact Cottage Grove Center

A covered bridge in Cottage Grove
Lane Community College
Cottage Grove Center
1275 South River Road, Suite 100
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Monday - Thursday 9 am to 5 pm